Delete an Xtension

  A developer or administrator role is required. For information, see User roles.

Delete an Xtension A set of instructions for Nintex Automation Cloud to use third-party API functionality with Nintex workflows. An Xtension may include workflow actions, start events, forms or file control. to remove it from the action A task that can be performed or triggered within a workflow, such as moving a file, sending an email, or using third-party API functionality. toolbox, and prevent designers from adding its actions or start events A task or occurrence that can trigger the start of a workflow, such as a form submission or third-party API event. to their workflows.

Note:  Deleted Xtension are not removed from existing workflows. You must remove the action from each workflow where it has been used. See Remove the custom action from a workflow.

Delete an Xtension

  1. Open your Nintex Automation Cloud tenancy.
  2. Click Xtensions in the dashboard to open the Xtensions page.
  3. Click meatballs in the row of the Xtension you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. A warning message is displayed.
  6. Click Delete.

Remove the custom action from a workflow

  1. Open your Nintex Automation Cloud tenancy.
  2. Click Workflows in the dashboard to open the Workflows list.
  3. Click the name of the workflow you want to remove the custom action from.
  4. Click meatballs on the action you want to remove in the workflow.
  5. Click Delete.