General settings

In the General settings page depending on your user and role you can manage site collection connection creation, set a timeout and allow access to user profile.

Site Collection Connection creation

Site administrators can use this option to allow connections to be created in the workflow designer for this site. This must be enabled to allow creation of personal connection from the Designer during action configuration.

Enable site collection connection creation

  1. Open the Workflow Gallery via the Site Contents or a site list or library page.
    • On a SharePoint Site Contents page, click the Nintex Workflow for Office 365 app. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the site workflows created for the site.
    • On a SharePoint List or Document Library page, click Nintex Workflow on the top ribbon. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the list workflows created for the current list or document library.

  2. Select Settings on the left navigation pane.
  1. Select General.
  2. Switch the Site Collection Connection creation toggle to Enabled.

Nintex Workflow designer time out

The time out value defines the number of hours the Workflow Designer page can remain inactive before it times out. It is set to 2 hours by default and Nintex administrators can change this value when required.

Set the time out value

  1. Open the Workflow Gallery via the Site Contents or a site list or library page.
    • On a SharePoint Site Contents page, click the Nintex Workflow for Office 365 app. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the site workflows created for the site.
    • On a SharePoint List or Document Library page, click Nintex Workflow on the top ribbon. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the list workflows created for the current list or document library.

  2. Select Settings on the left navigation pane.
  1. Select General.
  2. In the Nintex Workflow designer timeout section, type the number of hours in the Hours field.

  3. Note: The value entered must be within a minimum of 2 and maximum of 120.

User Profile

You can grant permission to the Workflow app to access the User Profiles service. The Workflow app is the workflow engine used by Nintex Workflow for Office 365.

Access to the User Profiles service is required for use of the following manager references in workflows:

  • Manager display name
  • Manager email address
  • Manager login name

For example, you may select the reference "Manager email address" when configuring the workflow action Assign a task. At runtime, the workflow accesses the User Profiles service to determine the manager of the initiator.

Grant permissions for the workflow engine to access the User Profiles service

Note: Requires tenant administrator privileges.

  1. Open the Workflow Gallery via the Site Contents or a site list or library page.
    • On a SharePoint Site Contents page, click the Nintex Workflow for Office 365 app. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the site workflows created for the site.
    • On a SharePoint List or Document Library page, click Nintex Workflow on the top ribbon. The Workflow Gallery is displayed with the list workflows created for the current list or document library.

  2. Select Settings on the left navigation pane.
  1. Click General.
  2. In the User profile section, click Grant access to Workflow.

    A new tab appears asking for confirmation of trust settings for the Workflow app.

    If the new tab does not appear, then the browser may be blocking pop-ups from the site. Update your browser configuration to allow pop-ups from the site.

  3. In the new tab, click Trust It. The User Profiles service is now accessible by the Workflow app and you can now use manager references in your workflows.

    Note: Admin role required to complete this step.