
When interacting with a Microsoft Excel Workbook, Nintex RPA first creates an Excel Connection to the targeted workbook.

The connection is unique to the targeted Workbook, and ensures that each Excel Action created is tied to the appropriate Workbook. Nintex RPA assigns the next available connection letter. Each Excel Action added to your botflow A file that stores the actions and variables designed to automate tasks. is tied to one Excel Connection.

Excel Connections can be created automatically or manually.  

Note: It is recommended to allow Nintex RPA to create Excel Connections automatically rather than manually.

Create an Excel Connection automatically

Nintex RPA automatically creates an Excel Connection to the targeted Workbook. After selecting an Action, Nintex RPA displays a new Excel item in the Botflow Pane.

Create an Excel Connection manually

To create an Excel Connection manually:

  1. Click Add Item on the Botflow Pane Used to manage a variety of project information such as credentials, variables, lists, and Excel connections..
  2. Click Excel.
  3. Note: If Excel does not display, click More to expand the list.

    The Excel window displays.

  4. Select a Connection Letter used to identify the Excel Connection.
  5. Enter a Name used to identify the Excel Connection.
  6. Note: The following rules must be followed when entering a workbook name:
    The file extension must be included (such as .xlsx or .xls).  Example:  MyWorkbook.xlsx.
    The folder path must be excluded.  Incorrect:  C:\MyFolder\MyWorkbook.xlsx.

  7. Optionally, enter a Note describing the Excel Connection action.
  8. Click OK to create the Excel Connection.

Manage Excel Connections

To manage Excel Connections:

  1. Navigate to the Excel Connection on the Botflow Pane.
  2. Right-click the Excel Connection.
  3. The Context Menu displays.

  4. Use the Context Menu to add, edit, delete, and duplicate Excel Connections.

Use Excel Connections

When targeting Excel workbooks Nintex RPA checks for an established Excel Connection.

If there is no Excel Connection Nintex RPA creates one automatically.

To change the default Connection Letter:

  1. Right-click the action in the Action Builder.
  2. Click Edit in the Context Menu.
  3. Click Rules in the Action window.
  4. The Rules window displays.

  5. Enter the required letter in the Rules window.
  6. Click OK to save.

Change an Action's Excel Connection

Excel Actions are associated with a specific Excel Connection letter so that Nintex RPA knows which workbook to modify when the Action A feature that supplies the instructions in a botflow. is run.

To change the Excel Connection Letter:

  1. Right-click the action in the Action Builder.
  2. Mouse-over Quick Edit in the Context Menu.
  3. Click Excel Connections in the fly-out menu.
  4. The Connection window displays.

  5. Select the required Connection Letter from the list.
  6. Click OK to save.

Excel window field descriptions

Field or button Description
Letter Select a Connection Letter used to identify the Excel connection.
Name Enter or define a name to identify the Excel connection.