Select Item
This article provides information on the following topics:
Note: The Actions Quick Reference provides a complete list of actions that you can print for easy reference.
What is the Select Item Action?
The Select Item Action selects an item from the target. For example, if you need to select an item from a listbox, or select an item from a combobox, you would use the Select Item Action.
Note: The Search Action can also be used to select an item. Read the Search Action article to learn more.
Creating a Select Item Action
Drag and drop the Selector onto the target to display
the Target Preview
Choose the Select
Action to display
the Action Builder.
Choose the target
item (). Your
options are:
• First Item
• Last Item
• Next Item
• Previous Item
• Specific Item
If Specific
Item is chosen, Nintex RPA
will provide a list () of all available items from
the target. You will be required to choose the item which should
be selected.
Click the OK button to save the Action.
More About Working with Listboxes
If you are working with a listbox as your target,
it is important to know the type of listbox you are working with. The
most common type of listbox is the Single-Select
Listbox ().
This type of listbox only allows you to select one item at a time.
In the example below, List Item
4 is selected. If you were to select List
Item 7, then List Item 4
would be deselected automatically (you would not be responsible for deselecting
List Item 4 manually). Because
the old item is deselected automatically, Nintex RPA
has no problem selecting the new item.
The second type of listbox is a Multi-SelectListbox ().
This type of listbox allows
you to select one or more items at a time. In the example above, three
items are selected. Unlike the first type of listbox, items are
not deselected automatically (you
are responsible for deselecting them).
If Nintex RPA detects that you targeted a Multi-Select Listbox, you will be required to choose a selection behavior. Your options are:
• Select - Select the item. Other selected items will remain selected.
• Deselect - Deselect the item. Other selected items will remain selected.
• Toggle selection - If the item is selected, it will be deselected. If the item is deselected, it will be selected. Other selected items will remain selected.
• Go to item - Move the focus to the item. If the item is selected, it will remain selected. If the item is deselected, it will remain deselected.