Identify the HTTP method, URI, construct, and execute your call

This topic describes some of the HTTP methods and URIs available in the Nintex Office 365 API. You will need to refer to the reference topic for each action to get more information about the additional headers and payloads required by the endpoints.

The following series of walkthroughs illustrate how to applies the HTTP method and URI reference information to your environment:

The walkthroughs use a RESTful client named Postman. You can find more information or download Postman from:

HTTP method and URI reference

The following tables provide an overview of some of the methods and actions for the API endpoints.


Action HTTP Method URI Description
Export a workflow GET https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/workflows/packages/{workflowid} Exports the specified workflow.
Import into a new workflow POST https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/workflows/packages[?{migrate}][&{listTitle}] Imports the contents of a Nintex Workflow for Office 365 export (.nwp) file into a new workflow.
Import into an existing workflow PUT https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/workflows/packages/{id}[?{migrate}][&{listTitle}] Imports the contents of a Nintex Workflow for Office 365 export (.nwp) file into the specified existing workflow.
Save into a workflow PUT https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/workflows/{id} Saves the contents of a Nintex Workflow for Office 365 export (.nwp) file into the specified existing workflow.
Publish a workflow POST https://{baseURL}/api/v1/workflows/{id}/published Publishes the specified workflow.


Action HTTP Method URI Description
Get Form GET https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/{forms/{listID} Retrieves the definition of the Nintex form as either XML or NFP for the specified SharePoint list and content type.
Import Form POST https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/forms/{listID} Saves and publishes a Nintex form when posting a NFP file to the endpoint.
Save Form PUT https://AP{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/forms/{listID} Saves the form to a specified SharePoint list and return the URI that will publish the form.

Publish Form

POST https://{baseURL}/api/v1/forms/{listID}/publish Publish a Nintex form that has been saved to a SharePoint list.
Delete Form DELETE https://{APIbaseURL}/api/v1/forms/{listID},{contenttypeId} Delete a Nintex form from a SharePoint list.

Walkthrough: export a workflow

With an authorization header, API-Key, API base URL, and WorkflowID, you can retrieve the workflow from your site using the Nintex Office 365 API.

Export a workflow

  1. Make sure you have the following headers:
  2. Make sure you have your API Base URL, for example,

    The API Base URL is for the API. This is different than your tenant URL and you can construct your API Base URL by using your tenant name in the domain and changing to, for example to

  3. Get the identifier for your target. In this case it is the workflow ID, for example, 46506f88-7643-40b4-8e7c-edb4c970a0a0.
  4. Construct your URL, for example,
  5. Select the correct method, for example, GET.
  6. Click the chevron in the Send button, and select Send and Download.
  7. Save the file to a location on your local machine.

Walkthrough: save into a wokflow into a list

With the authorization header, API-Key, API base URL, and target list name, you can save the workflow to your site using the Nintex Office 365 API.

Save a workflow

  1. Make sure you have the following headers:
  2. Make sure you have your API base URL, for example,
  3. Get the identifier for your target. In this case it is the workflow ID, for example, 46506f88-7643-40b4-8e7c-edb4c970a0a0.
  4. Construct your URL, for example, Your URL is constructed from the following parts:
  5. Select the correct method, for example, PUT.
  6. Add the workflow package (.wfp) to the body of your request.
  7. Click Send.
  8. You will receive a status 201 Created, and a JSON response body.

Walkthrough: get a form

With an authorization header, API-Key, API base URL, and ListID, you can retrieve the form from your site using the Nintex Office 365 API.

Export a form

  1. Make sure you have the following headers:
  2. Make sure you have your API Base URL, for example,
  3. Construct your URL, for example,
  4. Select the correct method, for example, GET.
  5. Click the chevron in the Send button, and select Send and Download..
  6. Save the file to a location on your local machine.

Walkthrough: import a form

With an authorization header, API-Key, API base URL, and ListID, you can retrieve the form from your site using the Nintex Office 365 API.

Export a form

  1. Make sure you have the following headers:
  2. Make sure you have your API Base URL, for example,
  3. Construct your URL, for example,
  4. Select the correct method, for example, PUT.
  5. Add the form package (.nfp) to the body of your request.
  6. Click Send.
  7. You will receive a status 200 OK, and a JSON response body.


Back: Create your authentication token

Next: REST Resources

Table of Contents

Related information

Using the Office 365 API for Workflows and Forms