Interacting with multiple output

The MultiOutputControl user control, provided with Nintex Workflow 2013 export (.nwp) file, is a composite control that you can add to the configuration page to support multiple output in a custom workflow action. For more information about multiple output in custom workflow actions, see Supporting multiple output.

The MultiOutputControl user control allows the user to, depending on the configuration of the control, either use the Insert Reference dialog or select from a dropdown list of known output values, and then assign corresponding workflow variables to store the output.

Note: Only one instance of the MultiOutputControl user control can be added to a configuration page.

The following image illustrates the appearance of an implemented MultiOutputControl user control.

To add multiple output to a configuration page

  1. Register the MultiOutputControl user control on the configuration page.

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="Nintex" TagName="MultiOutputControl" Src="~/_layouts/NintexWorkflow/MultiOutputControl.ascx" %>
  2. Add an instance of the MultiOutputControl user control to the collection for the TemplateRowsArea property of the ConfigurationPropertySection control, in the body of the configuration page, as shown.

    Caution: The MultiOutputControl should not be contained in a configuration property template control, such as ConfigurationProperty. Add the control directly to the appropriate ConfigurationPropertySection control.

    <asp:Content ID="ContentBody" ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="Server">
      <Nintex:ConfigurationPropertySection runat="server" Id="MainControls1">
          <Nintex:MultiOutputControl runat="server" id="MultiOutput1" MultiOutputLineMode="InsertReference" />
  3. In the TPARetrieveConfig JavaScript method for the configuration page, add the following code.

  4. In the TPAWriteConfig JavaScript method for the configuration page, add the following code.


See Also


Configuration pages


Working with workflow actions