Prepare the Visual Studio Project
Create an empty SharePoint 2013 project. Connect to your SharePoint 2013 instance. When you have created your project, you can deploy directly from Visual Studio to SharePoint. Or you can export a package, and then install the feature from SharePoint.
To avoid surprises when deploying a custom control, take the following points into consideration:
- Ensure you have added the dynamic library dependencies to the General Cache Assembly (GAC) on the SharePoint server where you are deploying your custom control.
- It will greatly simplify the deployment and retracting process to Use Visual Studio to deploy or retract you custom control.
Verify that your account has access to the NintexForms database. Use MicrosoftSQL Server Management Studio to verify that your SharePoint development account has access to the NintexForms database.
- If you need to remove the control, first remove the control from the Nintex form where it has been placed using the Forms designer, and then remove the DLL from the GAC, and finally retract your solution from Visual Studio.
To use the example, ensure that you have the following prerequisites in place:
- .NET Framework 4.5.2.
- A SharePoint development environment with Visual Studio installed on SharePoint 2013 On Premises.
- NintexForms 2013 and NintexWorkflow 2013 installed and configured on the SharePoint 2013 On Premises server.
- An account that is a member of the local administrator group and member of the Farm SharePoint Administrators Group so that you can create site collections, perform an IISreset, navigate through Central Administration, and deploy and retract SharePoint solution files.
Create an Empty SharePoint 2013 Solution in Visual Studio
In your Visual Studio development environment on your SharePoint 2013 server, create a new project and make sure that it points to SharePoint server to which you would like to deploy your solution.
To create an empty SharePoint 2013 Solution in Visual Studio
- Click File, click New, and select Project in Microsoft Visual Studio.
- Expand the Installed group, Templates, and then Visual C#. Click Office/SharePoint, and select SharePoint Solutions. Click SharePoint 2013 – Empty Project.
Note: You will need elevated permissions to create the solution.
- Name the Project Custom.InlineFunctions.Custom and the click OK. You may want to add the solution to source control.
- Type the domain of the SharePoint site you use for debugging. Click Validate to verify the connection.
- Select Deploy as a farm solution and click Finish.
Add a Custom Inline Function with SharePoint 2013 Management Shell