ButtonFormControlProperties Type

The Button control can be used to initiate an action, such as submitting a form or initiating a custom JavaScript.

This topic describes the syntax of the FormControlProperty complex element with the type attribute of ButtonFormControlProperties.


<d2p1:FormControlProperties i:type="d2p1:ButtonFormControlProperties">
    <d2p1:Border />
    <d2p1:CssClass i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:InsertReferences xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" />
    <d2p1:InternalPropertyBag xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" />
    <d2p1:BackgroundColor i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontColor i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontFamily i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontFamilyItemId i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontSize i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontSizeItemId i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ThemeClass i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ClientClick i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ConfirmationMessage i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DataField i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DataFieldValue i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ImageUrl i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Name i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ReadOnlyText i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:RibbonButtonGroupName i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:RibbonIconUrl i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Text i:nil="true" />


Element Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Data type and length String
Default value None
Cardinality 1..1: Required element that occurs only once.

Element Attributes

Attribute Description


Relationship Element
Parent element Form/FormControls
Child elements See the child element table.

Parent Element Namespace

Prefix Namespace
d2p1 http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Nintex.Forms.FormControls

Parent Element

Attribute Description

Child Elements

Name Data Type Default value Cardinality Description
BackgroundColor String blank 1..1

The color of the background.

Bold Boolean false 1..1

True if bold; otherwise, false.

Border String blank 1..1

The line style. Values include: Bottom, Left, Right, and Top.

BorderColor String #000000 1..1

The color of the line.

BorderStyle String Solid 1..1

The line style. Values include: Dashed, Dotted, Double, Groove, Inset, None, None, NotSet, Outset, Ridge, and Solid. For more information see the base enumeration documentation on MSDN.

BorderWidth Integer 2 1..1

The width of the line in pixels.

ButtonCommand String SaveAndSubmit 1..1

The button command. Valid values include:

  • Cancel

    Cancels the form.

  • Javascript

    Calls a JavaScript method.

  • Save

    Saves the form.

  • SaveAndSubmit

    Saves and submits the form for completion.

ButtonType String Button 1..1

The type of the button. Valid values include:

  • Button

    A command button.

  • Image

    A button that displays an image.

  • Link

    A hyperlink-style button.

CanResizeAtRuntime Boolean false 1..1

Indicates if the control can resize at run time.

CausesValidation Boolean true 1..1 True if causes validation; otherwise, false.
ClientClick String blank 1..1 The client click.
ConfirmationMessage String blank 1..1 The data field value.
ControlVersion String 1..1

The version number of the control.

CssClass String blank 1..1

The CSS class.

DataField String blank 1..1

The binding path field name.

DataFieldValue String blank 1..1  
DataFieldValueType String String 1..1 The data field value.
DisplayName String Save and Submit 1..1

The display name.

EnabledWhenReadOnly Boolean false 1..1 True if enabled when read only; otherwise, false.
FontColor String blank 1..1

The color of the font.

FontFamily String blank 1..1

The font family.


String blank 1..1

The font family item id.

FontSize String blank 1..1

The size of the font.

FontSizeItemId String blank 1..1

The font size item id.

FormControlTypeUniqueId String GUID 1..1

The form control type unique id.

FormType String ListForm 1..1

The type of the form.

HorizontalAlignment String NotSet 1..1

The horizontal alignment. Values include: Center, Justify, Left, NotSet, and Right. For more information, see "Horizontal Enumeration" in MSDN.

HorizontalWidth String 100% 1..1 The width of the horizontal.
ImageAlign String NotSet 1..1

The image align. Valid values include:

  • AbsBottom

    The lower edge of the image is aligned with the lower edge of the largest element on the same line.

  • AbsMiddle

    The middle of the image is aligned with the middle of the largest element on the same line.

  • Baseline

    The lower edge of the image is aligned with the lower edge of the first line of text.

  • Bottom

    The lower edge of the image is aligned with the lower edge of the first line of text.

  • Left

    The image is aligned on the left edge of the Web page with text wrapping on the right.

  • Middle

    The middle of the image is aligned with the lower edge of the first line of text.

  • NotSet

    The alignment is not set.

  • Right

    The image is aligned on the right edge of the Web page with text wrapping on the left.

  • TextTop

    The upper edge of the image is aligned with the upper edge of the highest text on the same line.

  • Top

    The upper edge of the image is aligned with the upper edge of the highest element on the same line.

ImageUrl String blank 1..1 The image URL.
InRepeater Boolean false 1..1

Value is true if in repeater; otherwise, false.

InsertReferences String blank 1..1

The insert references.

InternalPropertyBag String blank 1..1

The internal property bag.

IsDirty Boolean false 1..1

True if the object is dirty; otherwise, false. The value indicating whether the control exists in any layout. If this flag is set then it is safe to delete the control from the list.

IsLocked Boolean false 1..1

True if this instance is locked; otherwise, false.

IsVisible Boolean true 1..1

True if this instance is visible; otherwise, false.

Italics Boolean false 1..1

True if italics; otherwise, false.

Name String blank 1..1

The name of the control.

PaddingWidth Integer 0 1..1

The width of the padding.

ReadOnlyText String blank 1..1 The read only text.
RibbonButtonGroupName String blank 1..1 The name of the ribbon button group.
RibbonButtonSequence Integer 10 1..1 The ribbon button sequence.
RibbonIconUrl String blank 1..1 The ribbon icon URL.
ShowOnRibbon Boolean true 1..1 True if to show on ribbon; otherwise, false.
StrikeThrough Boolean false 1..1

True if [strike through]; otherwise, false.

TabIndex String blank 1..1

The index of the tab.

Text String blank 1..1

The text for the control.

ThemeClass String blank 1..1

The theme class.

Underline Boolean false 1..1

True if use custom validation; otherwise, false.

UniqueId String blank 1..1

The unique id. For more information see "Guid Structure" on MSDN/

VariableSource String blank 1..1

The source. Values include: External, SharePoint, Unspecified, and Workflow.

VerticalAlign String blank 1..1

The width of the padding. Valid values include:

  • Bottom

    Text or object is aligned with the bottom of the enclosing control.

  • Middle

    Text or object is aligned with the center of the enclosing control.

  • NotSet

    Vertical alignment is not set.

  • Top

    Text or object is aligned with the top of the enclosing control.

VerticalHeight String 100% 1..1 The height of the vertical.
VisibleWhenReadOnly Boolean false 1..1 True if visible when read only; otherwise, false.


The following example contains an example of the complex element.

<d2p1:FormControlProperties i:type="d2p1:ButtonFormControlProperties">
    <d2p1:Border />
    <d2p1:CssClass i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DisplayName>Save and Submit</d2p1:DisplayName>
    <d2p1:InsertReferences xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" />
    <d2p1:InternalPropertyBag xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" />
    <d2p1:BackgroundColor i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontColor i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontFamily i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontFamilyItemId i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontSize i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:FontSizeItemId i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ThemeClass i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ClientClick i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ConfirmationMessage i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DataField i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:DataFieldValue i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ImageUrl i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Name i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:ReadOnlyText i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:RibbonButtonGroupName i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:RibbonIconUrl i:nil="true" />
    <d2p1:Text i:nil="true" />


Related information

Form XML Complex Elements