Create a process model

Note: To create a process model, your Promaster A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. must have enabled the Process Modeling add-on and granted access to your role. See Enable Process Modeling. You can also import a process model.

Use the following guidelines when creating a new process model to create a valid process:

  • Your process must have a Start event

  • Your process must have an End event

  • Your process must not have a Parallel Gateway with only one output

  • All elements must have a name/label

  • No elements can sit on their own or be disconnected from the process

  • There must not be duplicate connecting flows between elements

Create a new process model

  1. From the dashboard click Processes > New process > Create new process model.

  2. Select the group to associate with this new process model, and then click the Select button.

  3. Enter the following information for the new process model:

    • Title

    • Model owner

    • Model expert

    • Objective

    • Background (a description of the model) (optional)

  4. Once the required information has been entered, click Create.

  5. On the process modeling canvas, left click on an event from the canvas pane and drag the event into the canvas. Left click again to place the event.

  6. Once the event is placed onto the canvas, a pop-up appears next to the event that allows you to change the event type, edit some properties of the event, or delete the event.

  7. Continue to place as many events as needed. To save your progress, click the Save button.

Keyboard shortcuts

When creating or editing a process model, it is possible to use keyboard shortcuts to assist with the process. These are the shortcuts available for use in the process modeling canvas:

  • Ctrl+A = Select all

  • Ctrl+C = Copy

  • Ctrl+O = Show import panel

  • Ctrl+V = Paste

  • Ctrl+Z = Undo

  • Ctrl+Shft+Z = Redo

  • Del = Delete selected object

Create a process model: