Manage roles and responsibilities
Roles and responsibilities are used to assign activities in your processes. They separate the activities in the map view into swim lanes and connect users with their responsibilities in a process. You can assign a role to a process while editing the process.
Roles refer to jobs, titles or positions, while responsibilities are duties or tasks that fall within your job. You can assign multiple users to one role or responsibility, and a user can be assigned to multiple roles or responsibilities. Using roles allows users to receive relevant updates when processes change. They clarify who in your organization is responsible for undertaking activities in a process, and give users quick access to Processes I'm in.

Promasters A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. and Business Analysts A user who can create and edit all processes if not restricted by permissions, view all reports and edit Roles and Responsibilities. can add or edit roles and responsibilities. To allow Process Editors A user who can edit a process, including Promasters, Business Analysts, Process Experts, Process Owners and Process Editors assigned at a process group level. to add or edit roles and responsibilities, you can enable the Admin > Configure > Process Editing > Enable ALL editors to access Roles Manager setting.
Note: Only Promasters A Nintex Promapp system administrator who administers a Nintex Promapp site and has rights to view and edit all areas of a Nintex Promapp site. can add and remove users from roles assigned to restricted groups (groups not assigned the All Staff role).

The Non Display role is a predefined role used when an activity is not part of the process flow and shouldn't be shown on the process map. For example, sometimes this is used to provide keywords or other information.
- You cannot view or edit the Non Display role on the Admin > Roles page.
- You can only assign the Non Display role to an activity in a process.
- You can generate a report to view details of the Non Display role assigned to activities in your Nintex Process Manager site from Admin > Reports > Useful Process Reports > Process Activities by Role and Responsibility.

The All Staff role is a predefined role used when you want to assign an activity to all users in the Nintex Process Manager site.
- You cannot view or edit the All Staff role on the Admin > Roles page.
All users in your Nintex Process Manager site are automatically added to the All Staff role.
- You can assign the All Staff role to an activity in a process. Any processes that use the All Staff role as a stakeholder will generate dashboard notifications for all users. A Promaster can change this setting from Admin > Configure > Dashboard > Enable notifications for the ALL STAFF role.
- You can generate a report to view details of the All Staff role assigned to activities in your Nintex Process Manager site from Admin > Reports > Useful Process Reports > Process Activities by Role and Responsibility.
View roles and responsibilities
- Go to Admin > Roles on the top-right of your Nintex Process Manager site. The Roles & Responsibilities page displays the following columns:
Column name Description Role/Responsibility Displays the Role or Responsibility name. You can sort the list alphabetically. Type Displays Role or Responsibility. Role Annual Cost(s) Displays the annual cost for the role. This value is used with Process Timeframes to calculate the cost of process activities and processes.
Note: This field is only visible when the Admin > Configure > Process Timeframes > Enable Process Costs setting is enabled.
Users Displays the user(s) associated with the role or responsibility. Hover over the field to view the users. Involvement - Click
to view details of all areas in the system where the selected role or responsibility is assigned. The Export <Role or Responsibility Name> Involvements dialog is displayed.
- In the Export <Role or Responsibility Name> Involvements dialog box, expand the details and select the required check boxes.
- Click Export. A .csv file is downloaded with the details for the selected role or responsibility.
Tip: To export details of all roles and responsibilities in your Nintex Process Manager site, click
(Export to CSV) on the top-right of the Roles & Responsibilities page.
Edit Edit the role or responsibility details. For more information, see Edit roles and responsibilities. - Click
Add roles and responsibilities
- Go to Admin > Roles on the top-right of your Nintex Process Manager site. The Roles & Responsibilities page displays.
- Click Add Role or Responsibility.
- Type the role name in the New Role field.
- Select Role or Responsibility from the Type drop-down list.

A role is a job title, for example: HR Manager. A responsibility is a task which is a part of the job for an individual role or a team role, for example: Purchase Order Approver or HR team.
Type the annual cost for the role in the Role Annual Cost field. This value is used with Process Timeframes to calculate the cost of process activities and processes.
Why can't I see the Role Annual Cost field?
This field is only visible when the Admin > Configure > Process Timeframes > Enable Process Costs setting is enabled.
How do I edit the default role cost value?
Go to the Admin > Configure > Process Timeframes > Default role cost per annum setting and add the default value.
- Type 2 letters of the user name, select the user and click Add this User.
- Click
Edit roles and responsibilities
- Go to Admin > Roles on the top-right of your Nintex Process Manager site. The Roles & Responsibilities page displays.
- Click
to the right of the user record you want to edit.
If you want to delete a role but associate the linked users and processes with a new role, click Merge Role. In the Merge Role dialog box, select the role you want to merge with from a list of suggested roles or select from the drop-down list. The processes and users who will be re-associated with the merged role are displayed in the dialog box.
Note: If a role is assigned process group permissions, the permissions will also be assigned to the role with which it is merged. Take this into consideration when merging roles assigned to restricted groups.
What should I do if I get a warning that the swimlane roles in a process cannot be updated because publishing failed?
If the following error displays when merging a role through Admin > Roles, follow the steps below:
The following failures occurred during publishing: <Process Name> :Publishing Failed - Could not find Linked Process for Process Link <Linked Process Name>
- Go to the process > Edit tab for the process where the publishing failed.
- Delete the named linked process.
- Save and publish the process.
- Merge the roles again.
- Click
Import roles and responsibilities
- You can only import new roles and responsibilities. If you want to edit the existing roles and responsibilities, see Edit roles and responsibilities.
- You can assign users to a role/responsibility by entering "<First Name> <Last Name>" in the Users column of the .csv file.
- If the Users column is left blank, it will not remove any users previously assigned to the role/responsibility.
- Go to Admin > Roles. The Roles & Responsibilities page displays.
- Click
on the top-right and then click Import Roles & Responsibilities.
- In the Import Roles & Responsibilities dialog box, click Template to download the .csv template file.
- Click Choose File and select the .csv file with the user details. Ensure that the Role/Responsibility, type, annual cost, and user columns are filled, with the first row being the header.
- Click Import. The import details are displayed once the process is completed.
The roles and responsibilities are imported and you can manage them from the Roles & Responsibilities page.