MongoDB Manual Configuration

When MongoDB and specific antiviruses, such as as Kaspersky and McAfee, are running on the same machine, MongoDB may crash. To prevent this from happening, it is essential to exclude the MongoDB folders from the antivirus scanning.

Manually install MongoDB 4.4.3 (or higher) by following these steps:

  1. Download MongoDB from here.

  2. Create the Nintex-db database.

  3. Create the Process Discovery Administrator and default users following one of the options below:

  4. Option 1: Create users through running designated commands

    Option 2: Install and configure Robo 3T to create database users

  5. Add TLS configuration for MongoDB (optional).

Create the Nintex-db database

  1. Create a new cluster of MongoDB with engine Version 4.0.0 and only one instance within the database subnet.

    • Make sure to activate encryption and audit logs
  2. Connect to MongoDB.

  3. You can use Robo 3T ({InstallFolder}\Nintex\SupportTools\mongodb-client-robo3t-1.4.1-windows-x86_64-122dbd9\robo3t-1.4.1-windows-x86_64-122dbd9\robo3t.exe to connect to MongoDB.

  4. Create the databaseNintex-db.

  5. Execute the following query on the MongoDB to create the users (or use Robo 3T to create users) :

    use admin
    user: "Nintex-admin",
    pwd: "<<new-password-for-mongodb>>",
    roles: [ "root" ]
    user: "Nintex-rw",
    pwd: "<<new-password-for-mongodb>>",
    roles: [ { role : "readWrite", db: "Nintex-db"}]

Create users through running designated command

Run the following commands to create users:

  1. To create a Process Discovery Administrator user run:

  2. cd C:\Nintex\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
    use admin
    db.createUser( { user: "Nintex-admin", pwd: "Nintex2022!", roles: [ 'root'] } )

  3. To create a Process Discovery default user run:

    cd C:\Nintex\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
    use admin
    createUser({user: 'Nintex-rw', pwd: 'Nintex123!', roles: [ { role : 'readWrite', db: 'Nintex-db'}]})

Add TLS configuration for MongoDB (optional)

  1. Copy the file rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem to C:\Nintex\config\prod\general\ssl\rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem (you might need to create the folder first).

  2. Replace the content of the file C:\Nintex\config\prod\general\mongodb-connector-Nintex-db-r.json with the following and insert the domain:

  3. ```json
    "name" : "mongodb-connector-Nintex-db-r",
    "value" : {
    "dbName" : "Nintex-db",
    "url" : "mongodb://<<domain-of-cluster>>:27017/Kryon-db?authSource=admin&tls=true&tlsCAFile=rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false",
    "debug" : true,
    "options": {
    "poolSize": 10,
    "tls": true,
    "tlsInsecure": false,
    "tlsCAFile": "rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem",
    "useNewUrlParser": true,
    "sslValidate": true

  4. Replace the content of the file C:\Nintex\config\prod\general\mongodb-connector-Nintex-db.json with the following and insert the password and the domain:

  5. ```json
    "name": "mongodb-connector-Nintex",
    "value": {
    "description": "",
    "dbName" : "Nintex-db",
    "url": "mongodb://Kryon-rw:<<password>>@<<domain-of-cluster>>:27017/Kryon-db?authSource=admin&tls=true&tlsCAFile=rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false",
    "debug": true,
    "options": {
    "poolSize": 10,
    "tls": true,
    "tlsInsecure": false,
    "tlsCAFile": "rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem",
    "useNewUrlParser": true,
    "sslValidate": true

  6. Replace the content of the file C:\Nintex\config\prod\general\mongodb-connector-Nintex-db-admin.json with the following and insert the password and the domain:

  7. ```json
    "name": "mongodb-connector-Nintex",
    "value": {
    "description": "",
    "dbName" : "admin",
    "url": "mongodb://Kryon-admin:<<password>>@<<domain-of-cluster>>:27017/admin?authSource=admin&tls=true&tlsCAFile=rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem&replicaSet=rs0&readPreference=secondaryPreferred&retryWrites=false",
    "debug": true,
    "options": {
    "poolSize": 10,
    "tls": true,
    "tlsInsecure": false,
    "tlsCAFile": "rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem",
    "useNewUrlParser": true,
    "sslValidate": true

  8. Open CMD and run:

    cd C:\Nintex\PDServer\Support\Nintex-admin-cli
    set CONFIG_DIR=C:\Nintex\config
    set NODE_ENV=prod
    set Nintex_ENC_CFG=C:\Nintex\config\prod\general\Nintex-decrypt.json
    set NODE_PATH=C:\Nintex\PDServer\MicroServices\node_modules
    node bin\cli.js --provider=mongodb --command=uploadCodex --collectionName=masking-codex --fileName=C:\Nintex\PDServer\MicroServices\AlgoNextGen\masking-private-codex.csv --tenantName=default

Install and configure Robo 3T to create database users

Robo 3T (Robomongo) is the free, lightweight, open-source MongoDB GUI with an embedded mongo shell.

  1. Downland and install Robo 3T: Floating Content Panels.

    • Robo 3T is included in Process Discovery installation under ${InstallationFolder}\Nintex\SupportTools.

    • You can download Robo 3T also from here.

  2. Open Robo 3T > Click on File > Click on Connect.

  3. Click Create to create a new connection.

  4. In the Connection tab, specify the MongoDB server FQDN and port.


  6. In the Authentication tab, Check the “Perform authentication” checkbox and specify the username and password.


  8. Make sure the details are accurate by clicking on Test.
  9. Click Save.

  10. Select the newly created connection and click Connect.