Use a Modal to Create New Records

Often a table that lists records only displays a few select fields needed to distinguish records from one another. Adding a new record directly to the Table allows end users to create a new record by filling in the fields on the table. But what if you want to capture more data than just that in the displayed fields?

Use a modal! A modal allows users to create a fully-featured record.


Note:  This tutorial assumes that you have a Nintex Apps page with a functioning model that lists records on a Table component. For best results, select a useful field (like CreatedDate) in Fields to order records by on the model, and set that field to display in DESC order. (This way, when end users create a new record, it will be added to the top of the table.)

If you prefer to sort by alphabetical order, set Fields to order records by to an alphabetical label (for example, Name) and display it in ASC order.

The End User's Experience

The user clicks Create New Record. Nintex Apps displays the modal, where the user can add record data. Once saved, the list table refreshes and the new record displays.
