
All code samples below refer to the skuid object.

In the v2 API, this object is not directly accessible when working within a browser console—or when referring to another Nintex Apps page runtime.

If you are experiencing issues, use the skuid.runtime API to target the appropriate page context.


Good news, everyone!

We are currently writing more material for our Javascript API. All of the objects and functions you see below are part of Nintex Apps's public API, even if they aren't fully documented yet. Feel free to experiment while we write about them—and check back later for updates.

The skuid.utils object provides convenient functions for commonly used functionality in Nintex Apps .


Property Type Required Description
skuid.utils.isMultiCurrencyOrganization boolean No

True if this organization / environment has the Multi-Currency feature enabled.

skuid.utils.userInfo object No

An object containing various fields from the running user's User object, including but not limited to:

  • defaultCurrency (e.g. "USD")
  • firstName (e.g. "John")
  • language (e.g. "en_GB")
  • lastName (e.g. "Smith")
  • locale (the key for this locale - not always ISO, e.g. "en_US" or "fr_FR")
  • name (e.g. "John Smith")
  • organizationId (the ID of the organization / environment.)
  • profileId (the running User's Profile's Id)
  • userId (the running user's Id)
skuid.utils.userLocale object No

An object containing various fields describing the running user's Locale, including:

  • dateFormat (e.g. "m/d/yy", where "m" is month, "d" is day in month, "y" is the year. Use multiple to force prepending zeros, if possible, or the full year)
  • decimalsSeparator (the character used to distinguish the "decimal" part of a number from the integer part, e.g. ".")
  • defaultCurrency (the 3-digit ISO code of the locale's default currency, e.g. "USD")
  • firstDay (the integer index of the first day of the locale's calendar week, with Sunday being 0)
  • isRTL (true if dates and time are written right-to-left in this locale)
  • localeName (e.g. "English (United States)")
  • showMonthAfterYear (true if the month should be shown after the year in datepickers)
  • showTimeBeforeDate (true if the time should be shown before the date in datepickers)
  • thousandsSeparator (the character used to separate every 3 integer digits in this locale, e.g. ",")
  • timeFormat (e.g. "h:mm a", where "h" is hour, "m" is minute, "a" is the AM/PM indicator. Use multiple to force prepending zeros, if possible)









Converts a currency value from one ISO currency to another, based on the conversion rates defined in the organization. (Only available for Multi-Currency organizations)

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • value ( number ) -- The currency amount to convert
  • fromIsoCode ( string ) -- The ISO code representing the currency in which value is expressed
  • toIsoCode ( string ) -- The ISO code representing the desired currency

The converted currency amount -or- the original value if one or both ISO codes were not recognized or no currencies were defined for the current org or the current org does not support multiple currencies.



Creates an Ink modal from a component definition.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • modalDef ( Object ) -- The object definition written as XML.
  • context ( Object ) -- ( Optional ) The context—i.e. a Model object
  • parentComponent ( Component ) -- ( Optional ) The Nintex Apps Component object to add this child to

The modal



Decodes html characters like & into their actual character.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • value ( string ) -- An HTML string to decode.

A decoded HTML string. For example, where "&" and ">" have been converted into "&" and ">".





A delayed on-change handler for an input element, which waits for a user to stop typing for 400 milliseconds before calling a callback function with the new and old values of the input element. The purpose of this function is to improve the user experience of on-change handlers, such that logic is not executed immediately upon a single change to a given field but rather only when a user "finishes" typing temporarily.

Arguments: Returns:
  • inputElement ( jQuery-wrapped DOM Element ) -- A jQuery-wrapped input element to listen for changes on.
  • callback ( function(newValue,oldValue) ) -- (function(newValue,oldValue)) A function that will be called after the user has stopped typing for 400 milliseconds, which will be handed the new value and the old value as its first and second parameters, respectively.

No return value.


The following Custom Field Renderer snippet will console log a field's value after the user has "stopped" typing.

  var field = arguments[0],
     value = skuid.utils.decodeHTML(arguments[1]);
  // Run the default renderer
  if (field.mode==='edit') {
      var input = field.element.find(':input');
         console.log('[' + + '] New value: ' + newValue +', old value: ' + oldValue);




Encodes html characters like & into their encoded value like &.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • value ( string ) -- Any string value

An HTML-encoded string where special characters have been escaped. For example, where "&" and ">" have been converted into "&" and ">".





Escapes single quotes in a string.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • values ( string ) -- Any string value

The input string where single quotes have been escaped with a backslash. For example, given the input "O'Reailly", this function would return "O'Reilly".



Generates a Unique Identifier within a Nintex Apps page.

Returns: Return type:
A unique identifier within the current context. string


Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • object ( object ) -- The object to retrieve the given property from
  • propertyName ( string ) -- The path defined using dot-notation. Array indices can also be provided for traversing array values, e.g. arrayProp.0.propOnFirstItem

The value of the property at the given path. If no such property exists, will return undefined.

string, number, boolean, object, null, undefined


var obj = {
  "Account": {
    "Parent": {
      "Name": "ACME Global",
      "Type": "Customer"
    "Name": "Acme USA"
  "AccountId": "001000000034632"

skuid.utils.getObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Name");
// => "ACME USA"
skuid.utils.getObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Parent.Name");
// => "ACME Global"


Generates a URL to the raw attachment file. Useful for creating a download link or for displaying images on the page.

Arguments: Returns:
  • attachmentId ( string ) -- A Salesforce 18-character Attachment Id

A URL for the attachment. Useful for downloading content or displaying images within an IMG tag. The format typically looks something like this:

/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=<18-character Id>
Return type:


Takes an XML Node / Document and outputs an XML string representation of it.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • xmlNode ( Node / Document ) -- An XML node within an XML tree, either the tree's root node or any descendant

A string representation of the provided XML node or document



var xmlString = '<books><book name="Travels with Charley"/><book name="The Brothers Karamazov"/></books>';
var xmlDoc = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc(xmlString);
  skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc('<book name="Hyperion"/>')
var newXmlString = skuid.utils.getXML(xmlDoc[0]);
-> <books><book name="Travels with Charley"/><book name="The Brothers Karamazov"/><book name="Hyperion"/></books>


Returns true if a given JavaScript object has a property at an arbitrarily nested location, specified using a dot-notation path.
Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • object ( object ) -- The object to retrieve the given property from
  • propertyName ( string ) -- The path defined using dot-notation. Array indices can also be provided for traversing array values, e.g. arrayProp.0.propOnFirstItem

True if the object contains a property at the given path, otherwise false.



var obj = {
  "Account": {
    "Parent": {
      "Name": "ACME Global",
      "Type": "Customer"
    "Name": "Acme USA"
  "AccountId": "001000000034632"

skuid.utils.hasObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Name");
// => true
skuid.utils.hasObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Parent.OwnerId");
// => false


Parses a string of XML and generates a jQuery-wrapped XML Document. Useful for generating XML for use in dynamic creation of Nintex Apps Models and Components.

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • xmlString ( string ) -- a string of valid XML

A jQuery object wrapping the parsed XML Document.

jQuery object


// Build a set of tabs that we'd like to add to a tab set
var tabNames = ["Animals","Vegetables","Minerals"];
// Generate a Tab Set XML document
var $xml = skuid.utils.makeXMLDoc;
var tabsetXml = $xml('<tabset/>').append(
      return $xml('<tab/>').attr('name',tabName);
// Generate a Tab Set component and add it to the bottom of the first skuidpage component
var tabsetComponent = skuid.component.factory({ definition: tabsetXml });


Evaluates a Nintex Apps merge template, using Nintex Apps's Template syntax, in the desired mode.

Arguments: Returns:
  • mode ( string ) --

    Must be one of the following values:

    • "global" - no specific Model or Row context is expected
    • "model" - a specific Model context is expected, but not a Row
    • "row" - a specific Model and Row context is expected
  • template ( string ) -- A Nintex Apps Template. For more information about Nintex Apps -specific template syntax, see the Template Syntax and the Merge API docs.
  • options ( object ) --

    Optional. A simple object with any of the following properties:

    • nl2br ( boolean ): Optional, defaults to true. If set to false, prevents conversion of new line characters to HTML line break tags.
    • useFieldFormatting ( boolean ): Optional. If set to true, the merge result will format fields as if they were a field in read mode in a Form or Table.

      Note:  The parent component is still responsible for re-rendering itself and any merged text if a model is updated.

  • model ( skuid.model.Model ) -- Optional. The Model to use when resolving the template in "model" mode.
  • row ( object ) -- Optional. A simple row object to use when resolving the template in "row" mode. Can be obtained via a skuid.model.Model object's getRowById() function or, simply, via the data property.

jQuery-wrapped HTML. If you would like to return text, then use skuid.utils.mergeAsText() instead.


Evaluates a Nintex Apps merge template, using Nintex Apps's Template syntax, in the desired mode.

Arguments: Returns:
  • mode ( string ) --

    Must be one of the following values:

    • "global" - no specific Model or Row context is expected
    • "model" - a specific Model context is expected, but not a Row
    • "row" - a specific Model and Row context is expected
  • template ( string ) -- A Nintex Apps Template. For more information about Nintex Apps -specific template syntax, see the Template Syntax and the Merge API docs.
  • options ( object ) --

    Optional. A simple object with any of the following properties:

    • useFieldFormatting ( boolean ): Optional. If set to true, the merge result will format fields as if they were a field in read mode in a Form or Table.

      Note:  The parent component is still responsible for re-rendering itself and any merged text if a model is updated.

  • model ( skuid.model.Model ) -- Optional. The Model to use when resolving the template in "model" mode.
  • row ( object ) -- Optional. A simple row object to use when resolving the template in "row" mode. Can be obtained via a skuid.model.Model object's getRowById() function or, simply, via the data property.

A text string containing the result of the merge.


Evaluates a Nintex Apps merge template, using Nintex Apps's Template syntax, using whatever model and/or row context is provided.

The mode used for the merge is determined automatically by the presence of model and/or row properties in the optional context object - if model is provided and resolves to a valid Nintex Apps Model, then the merge mode will be "model", and if a row is provided, then the merge mode will be "row", but if neither "model" or "row" is provided then the mode will be "global".

Arguments: Returns:
  • template ( string ) -- A Nintex Apps Template. For more information about Nintex Apps -specific template syntax, see the Template Syntax and the Merge API docs.
  • context ( object ) -- Optional. A simple object with any of the following properties:
  • model ( skuid.model.Model ) -- Optional. The Model to use when resolving the template in "model" mode.
  • row ( object ) -- Optional. A simple row object to use when resolving the template in "row" mode. Can be obtained via a skuid.model.Model object's getRowById() or getRows() functions.
  • mergeSettings ( object ) --

    Optional. A simple object with any of the following properties:

    • useFieldFormatting ( boolean ): Optional. If set to true, the merge result will format fields as if they were a field in read mode in a Form or Table.

      Note:  The parent component is still responsible for re-rendering itself and any merged text if a model is updated.

A text string containing the result of the merge.


Sets the value of an arbitrarily nested property on a JavaScript object using a dot-notation path.
  • object ( object ) -- The object to set the given property on
  • propertyName ( string ) -- The path defined using dot-notation.
  • propertyValue ( object ) -- The new value to set for the object property at the given path


var obj = {
  "Account": {
    "Parent": {
      "Name": "ACME Global",
      "Type": "Customer"
    "Name": "Acme USA"
  "AccountId": "001000000034632"

skuid.utils.getObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Parent.Type");
// => "Customer"
skuid.utils.setObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Parent.Type", "Partner");
skuid.utils.getObjectProperty(obj, "Account.Parent.Type");
// => "Partner"


Returns the number of properties defined on the provided object. Essentially a shortcut for Object.keys(object).length

Arguments: Returns: Return type:
  • object ( object ) -- An input object to examine.

Number of properties defined on the object


var obj = { "uno": "one", "dos": "two" };
// => 2


For these examples, we'll assume that we have a Nintex Apps Page with 3 Models:

# "Account" - limited to one Account, with various Account fields pulled in # "Contacts" - all Contacts on the Account in our first Model # "Opportunities" - all Opportunities on the Account in our first Model

# "Account" - limited to one Account, with various Account fields pulled in
# "Contacts" - all Contacts on the Account in our first Model.
# "Opportunities" - all Opportunities on the Account in our first Model.

// Define the DOM element we want to write to
var output = $('#output');
// 1. Global merge examples
var template = '<b>{{$Model.Opportunities.labelPlural}} Tab</b>';
// --> displays 'Opportunities Tab', or the localized equivalent
   template = '{{$Model.Account.fieldsMap.Name.label}}: {{#$}}{{Name}}{{/$}}';
// --> displays 'Account Name: ACME Recruiting'
// 2. Model merge examples
// We'll build an HTML table.
template = '<table>';
// We'll populate the headers of each table column
// by pulling from the metadata of each 3 fields in our Model,
template += '<thead>';
template += '<th>{{Model.Fields.Name.label}}</th>';
template += '<th>{{Model.Fields.StageName.label}}</th>';
template += '<th>{{Model.Fields.CloseDate.label}}</th>';
template += '</thead>';
// We'll populate the body of our table
// by looping over the data rows in our Model,
// using Mustache section syntax,
// and creating <td> cells populated with each rows corresponding data.
template += '<tbody>'template += '{{#Model.Data}}';
template += '<tr>';
template += '<td>{{Name}}</td>';
template += '<td>{{StageName}}</td>';
template += '<td>{{CloseDate}}</td>';
template += '</tr>';
template += '{{/Model.Data}}';
// If we have NO data rows,
// we'll using Mustache's inverted section syntax to display a message
template += '{{^Model.Data}}';
template += '<tr><td colspan="3">There are no Opportunities to display on this Account.</td></tr>';
template += '{{/Model.Data}}';
template += '</tbody>';
template += '</table>';

The following "row" merge variables are only available in the row merge context:

  • first: true if this is the first Row in the Model's data
  • last: true if this is the last Row in the Model's data
  • index: returns the index of this row in the Model's data