Advanced and Additional Actions
Advanced Actions
Run action sequence
Used to select an action sequence to run within the current set of actions.
- Action sequence: The action sequence to run.
- Description: The description entered within the chosen action sequence's properties.
Note: In addition to the Action Sequence property, any inputs that have been specified on the action sequence are displayed as properties. For more information, see Inputs.
Use action sequences thoughtfully. If there are actions within an action sequence that are contingent on context, recognize that the context changes depending upon where and how the sequence is invoked.
When invoking an action sequence, be sure to examine the individual actions for properties and merge syntax that rely on context, and ensure that you are using the correct model conditions for that action to work within the context requirements.
Run a JavaScript snippet
Use a snippet alongside other actions without adding more code to the existing snippet.
- Name of snippet to run: The exact name of the snippet.
Snippets must be registered using skuid.snippet.registerSnippet(snippetName, snippetFunction ).
Publish event
Use action flows to publish events. Subscribe to these events using an action flow or with the API.
- Event name: The name of the event to be published.
- Publishing scope: Determines how "far" outside the current page that the published event will reach.
- All active pages and Lightning Components: ( Nintex Apps for Salesforce only) The event will be published on all Nintex Apps pages and all Lightning components active on the current Lightning page.
- All active pages: The event will be published on all Nintex Apps pages that are active in the current window.
- Only this page ( default ): The event will only be published on the current Nintex Apps page.
- Channel (optional): Determines on which "channel" an event is published, providing another option to narrow the scope of an event. An event subscription only activates if it is also pointed to the channel specified here, even if the event name is the same.
Additional Actions
Other possible actions.
Open/Close a drawer
Displays a closed drawer, or closes an open one.
- Configure drawer: Opens drawer configuration window, where you build the drawer.
- Drawer opened icon: The icon displayed when the drawer is open; end users click this to close the drawer.
Navigate to step
Used with Wizard buttons to navigate users to another step in the Wizard component.
- Step ID: The name of the step to navigate the end user to. The format is lowercase and no spaces: step2.