Domain management
A Global administrator role is required. For information about user roles, see User roles.
In the Domain management page, you can:
- View domain information: primary domain, domain owners, verified domains and unverified domains Domains that do not have any owners or are not verified through the domain verification process..
- Add a domain or sub-domain that belongs to your current organization or that has been requested by an administrator of your organization.
- Change a primary domain.
- Verify your ownership for an existing domain.
Caution: Any changes made to the Identity federation setup will affect all domains that are listed in the Domain management page. See User management.
Access the Domain management page
- On the top navigation bar, click Settings.
- On the left, click Domain management.
Domain management page appears listing the domains and corresponding domain owners.
Manage domains

A user with Global administrator role who verified the primary domain is required.
Important: As a Global administrator, you must first verify the primary domain to add a new domain in your Nintex Workflow tenant.
- Access the Domain management page: Click Settings and then click Domain management.
- In the Domains section, click Add domain.
- In the Domain field, type the domain name.
- Click
in the Verification code field. You will need to use this code in Step 6.
- Click Add.
- Add a record in your DNS.
- These steps are generic and do not target a specific brand of DNS hosting service. The names of fields and options may have different terminologies, but the purpose stays the same, which is to add a record.
- When adding a new record in DNS, you can use either TXT or MX as the record type. It is highly recommended to use the TXT type.
Add a DNS TXT record (recommended)
- Log in to your DNS host as an administrator.
- Navigate to the settings page where you can add a new record for your domain.
- Select the option to add a record.
- See the following table for the values to enter for your DNS record. Your DNS provider may use different terminologies.
Field Value Record type TXT Value Paste the verification code that you copied from Nintex Workflow. Name/ Host/ Alias Use the default value, type @ (at) or leave it blank. Time to live (TTL) Type your required period of time, for example 1 hour or 86400 sec, depending on what your organization requires.
Add a DNS MX record
- Log in to your DNS host as an administrator.
- Navigate to the settings page where you can add a new record for your domain.
- Select the option to add a record.
- See the following table for the values to enter for your DNS record. Your DNS provider may use different terminologies.
Field Value Record type MX Mail exchange Paste the verification code that you copied from Nintex Workflow. Name Leave it blank. Server Type a value, depending on what your organization requires. MX Level or Preference Type a required number, depending on what your organization requires. Time to live (TTL) Type your required period of time, for example 1 hour or 86400 sec, depending on what your organization requires.
Once your DNS verification is completed, the pending status displayed in the Verified owners will be removed.
A new domain record will be added to the list and a suffix (pending) will be added after your name.
Note: If you attempt to add a domain that already exists in the list, an error message is displayed saying that this domain had already been verified by another tenant. Please contact Nintex Support for assistance.
Note: Depending on your DNS host, it may take up to 72 hours to process the domain verification.

A user with Global administrator role who verified the primary domain is required.
Any domain can be updated to a primary domain as long as the primary domain owner can verify that they are the owner of the domain being switched to.
- Access the Domain management page: Click Settings and then click Domain management.
- In the Domains section, click
in the desired domain record, and then click Set as primary.
Once the selected domain is set as primary, a suffix (primary) will be added beside the domain name.Caution: Changing the primary domain will cause verified owners of that domain to be new primary domain owners. Primary domain owners will be able to update logon or federation settings, switch primary domains, and add domains.

Users with the Global administrator role can initiate verification for their own user on the existing list of domains, but cannot add new domains.
- Access the Domain management page: Click Settings and then click Domain management.
- In the Domains section, click
in the desired domain record, and then select Add me as owner.
- Click
in the Verification code field. You will need this code to add a new record in DNS.
- To add a new record, follow the instructions from step 6 in the Add a domain section.
Once the verification process is completed, your name will be added to the Verified owners list.

Selection (or column or field) | Description |
Domain name |
The name of the domain that either belongs to your current organization or that is requested by an administrator of your organization. |
Verified owners |
User that are owners of the listed domains. |
Add domain | Allows you to verify and Add a domain. |
Lists the following selections depending on the access rights: