Run if true
Use the Run if true action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. Actions are the steps the workflow performs to complete a process. to run a set of child actions if a conditional statement is true. The conditions you define are based on variables from within the start event and within the workflow. You can configure the Run if true action to run child actions if
- All conditions are true
- Any conditions are true
If the conditions you define are not true, the workflow skips the child actions altogether.
Before you begin:
Understand Variables
Understand container actions. You can add actions to create branches such as Branch by stage or to contain other actions such as Action Set that can be collapsed down into a single action high-level view.
Jump to:
Configure the Run if true action
See the Run if true fields, buttons, and settings table for all the configuration fields.
In the Designer page:
Click the Logic and flow action group in the action toolbox.
Find actions by browsing action groups, or by typing an action name or function in the Search field at the top of the action toolbox.
Drag the Run if true action to the point in the workflow where you want the child actions to run if the conditions are met.
Click the Run if true action.
Complete the condition fields:
For When, select the variable you want to evaluate.
For Operator, select an operator for comparing the variable to the value.
- For Value, specify a value for the comparison. You can insert a variable or type the value.
Note: Null values are considered an unknown state and we strongly recommend that you do not use them. If only one end of the operand contains a null value, then it will be evaluated as false. For example, ("test" != Null) returns False, and ("test" == Null) also returns False. However, if both ends of the operand contain null values (matching states), an intuitive response is returned. For example, (Null != Null) returns False, while (Null == Null) returns True.
- Click Add condition to save the new condition.
- For each additional condition you want to add:
- Click Add condition.
Complete the condition fields.
- Click Add condition to save the new condition.
- Select any or all to determine how to evaluate the set of conditions.

Field or button |
Description |
Variable Types |
Add condition |
Presents fields to create a condition or saves the condition currently being edited. |
(n/a) |
When |
The variable value of the condition that the operator uses to compare with the value. Example: in the condition 'money spent ≥ 1000', the when variable is money spent. Must be a variable. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection, File |
Operator |
The component of the condition that compares the When variable with the Value. The type of operators available depend on the When variable you select. Example: In the condition 'money spent ≥ 1000', the operator is ≥. |
(n/a) |
Value |
The value of the condition that the operator uses to compare with the When variable. Example: in the condition 'money spent ≥ 1000', the value is 1000. Null values are considered an unknown state and we strongly recommend that you do not use them. If only one end of the operand contains a null value, then it will be evaluated as false. For example, ("test" != Null) returns False, and ("test" == Null) also returns False. However, if both ends of the operand contain null values (matching states), an intuitive response is returned. For example, (Null != Null) returns False, while (Null == Null) returns True. |
Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection, File |
all / any |
If you select
(n/a) |
Presents fields to edit a condition. |
(n/a) |
Removes a condition. |
(n/a) |
Add condition |
Saves a condition. |
(n/a) |