Workflow engine
Nintex Workflow has switched to a new workflow engine (v2) that increases the performance and capabilities of workflows. The new engine includes new features and enhancements such as increased looping iteration limit of up to 1,000 and enhancements to some actions and form controls.
All workflows in engine v1 were automatically moved to the new engine and no action is required to upgrade them.
The functionality of the following actions and form controls have been enhanced.
Resolve workflow issues
Check the solutions in this section for problems your workflows may have.
Caution: Some solutions may require deleting a previously configured action, which deletes its configuration permanently. Note or copy the configuration details before deleting the action. You can refer to it when you configure the replacement action later.

The workflow may be using an old version of the action. Check if your workflow contains invalid actions. If any of the following actions are present in your workflow, you need to replace the old version of the action. Otherwise, the workflow will fail.
Apply a regular expression
Branch by condition
Dropbox actions
Google Drive actions
Query JSON
Run if true
Start a loop
To resolve the error, replace the action with a new version:
Note the configuration details of the action for reference later.
Delete the old version of the action from the workflow.
From the Action panel, select the same action, and drag it to the workflow.
On the Configuration panel, reconfigure the action.
Save your changes and test your workflow.

You may have specified the workflow to store an output value to a variable with an incorrect data type. For example, a non-numeric string value is being stored into an integer variable.
This may also happen when the data of a Start workflow request is unable to cast to the data type of the respective Start event variable. For example, a string for a Start event variable of collection type is empty.
To fix the error, edit the output settings to fix the configuration, and then republish the workflow.
Note: Enter integer values with no spaces.

A variable may be empty. Check the variable that is assigned to the action and reassign the variable with the correct data type to the action.

The task form may become invalid due to one or more of the following reasons:
Invalid task form - The workflow may contain an invalid task form because the workflow definition may contain variables of the same name.
Duplicate action IDs - A workflow definition contains actions of the same action ID (GUID).
A required parameter of an action that is no configured - A user publishes a workflow without configuring all the required parameters of an action.
Invalid default DateTime format - The default value of the DateTime variable in a workflow has a DateTime format that is incorrect. To fix the error, edit the task form to fix the configuration, and then republish the workflow. Expects DateTime is in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. In engine v2, only the Date is not supported as a data type reference and DateTime data type is supported. Select DateTime as a data type and change source to supported DateTime format.
For more information see, the Format date to string topic.
To fix the error, edit the task form to fix the configuration, and then republish the workflow.

A workflow definition may contain variables of the same name.
To fix the error, edit the task form to use unique variable names, and then republish the workflow.

The child workflow may have not been upgraded.
For more information, see Workflow list.