Configure pages

You can create forms with one page or multiple pages. Forms with multiple pages make it easier to navigate through a large form. Large forms can be created with multiple pages and form users can navigate between pages by using the Next and Previous buttons or by clicking the Page numbers or titles. The Submit button is placed on the last page.

You can configure the form to display pages vertically or horizontally, control whether users must step through multiple pages in sequence, and configure conditional page navigation so that users can navigate between pages and sections in pages based on rules and user input.

To add pages to your form:

  1. Open the forms designer.
  2. Click Configure pages.
  3. The Pages configuration panel is displayed.

  1. Click Add new page to add a new page to the form.

  2. Add a title to the new page and configure it as required. For configuration field descriptions, see Pages configuration fields and buttons.

Pages configuration fields and buttons

Field/ button


Add new page

Adds a new page to the form.

When you add a new page to create a form with multiple pages, the Next and Previous buttons are added to the form automatically. You can change the Next button text and Previous button text in the Action panel configuration.

<Page titles>

Type the title of your pages.

When you add new add pages, the Page titles default to Page 1, Page 2, and so on.

Form pages display in the listed order. You can rearrange and delete pages using the options button beside each title.

Navigation flow

Select how users can navigate through the form:

  • Sequential: Users progress through the form in the order the pages are listed. Validation occurs on every page.
  • Sequential (Rule-triggered): Users can progress through form pages based on the rules set up. Configure Page rules in the Rules tab. Validation occurs on every page.
  • Non Sequential: Users can navigate between form pages in any order. Validation occurs when the form is submitted.

Important: If page rules are defined for a Sequential (Rule-triggered) navigation flow and you switch to another navigation flow, the page rules will display errors. You cannot publish the form until you manually delete or disable the rules.

Navigation layout

Select whether the page layout is:

  • Vertical: Form pages display from top to bottom.
  • Horizontal: Form pages display from left to right.

Note: Horizontal navigation layout is unavailable on Nintex Mobile.

Show page navigation to users

(Displays when the Navigation flow is Sequential (Rule-triggered).

Toggle this option to show or hide page navigation steps to users. The default is Yes. If you toggle to No, the navigation will remain visible while you design the form to ensure you can navigate between pages.

Show page number icons

(If the Navigation flow is Sequential (Rule-triggered), this option only displays when Show page navigation to users is set to Yes.)

Toggle this option to display page number icons. The default is Yes.

Title size

(If the Navigation flow is Sequential (Rule-triggered), this option only displays when Show page navigation to users is set to Yes.)

Select the font size of the form page titles:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large

Show header


Toggle this option to display a header.

Header text

Text to display at the top of every page in the form.

Show footer


Toggle this option to display a footer.

Footer text

Text to display at the bottom of every page in the form.