Microsoft Excel - Insert table data

Use the Microsoft Excel - Insert table data action A tool for building the processes, logic, and direction within workflows. to insert rows of data to the end of a specific table in a workbook.

For more information about the Microsoft Excel connector, go to Microsoft Excel.

Configure the Microsoft Excel - Insert table data action

  1. Add the action to the workflow and open the action configuration panel. For more information, see Add an action to the workflow.

  2. Select a Connection. If you do not have a connection, see Add a connection.
  1. Select the Workbook the table belongs to.
  2. Select the Table you want to insert the data into.
  3. Specify the row details such as the row index and cell data.

    If a table contains multiple columns, then all cells in the row need to have data inserted into them when using the Insert table data action. To add empty cells of data, you must add a space in that field.

Microsoft Excel - Insert table data action fields, buttons, and settings




Variable types


Connection Credentials and other settings required to pass data between the workflow and the indicated service, which could be a cloud service, business application, or content store.

The Microsoft Excel connection to use for inserting data into a table.

To refresh the available connections, click Refresh.




The workbook containing the table you want to insert data into. When you specify the Microsoft Excel connection, all the workbooks in the selected connection are available to select from in the drop-down list. When using a variable, use the workbook ID.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection



The Microsoft Excel- Insert Table Data action requires a workbook to have pre-created tables to function.

The table you want to insert data into. When you specify the Workbook, all the tables in the selected workbook are available to select from in the drop-down list. If you want to select a table that is not in the list, you can insert a variable in the Table field. When using a variable, use the table ID or table name.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection


Row index

Position identifying the row to start from inserting the data. Type the value of the beginning row number (these values are zero based, so Row 1 = 0, Row 2 = 1, etc.). For example, if you type a value of 2, row number 3 will be used to start inserting data.



Cell data

Details identifying the cell data to add. Click Add row to add a row for your cell. Click Add cell to configure the details you want to insert.

  • Cell: A 2-dimensional array of unformatted values of the table rows (Boolean, String or Number can be used). If you want to add empty cells of data, we suggest you use a space in this field.

To remove a configured area click the Row ellipsis and select Delete.

If a table contains multiple columns, then all cells in the column need to have data inserted into them when using the Insert table data action.

To add empty cells of data, you must add a space in that field.

Text, Decimal, Integer, Boolean, DateTime, Collection


Cell data

Stores the result of the action as an object with the following variable:

  • Index: (Integer) Identifies the position of the new row.

  • Cell data: (Collection) A 2-dimensional array of unformatted values of the table rows (Boolean, String or Number can be used).
