Move workflows across tenants

To move a workflow from one tenant to another, export the workflow from the source tenant and import it in the destination tenant.

An exported workflow does not include any connections, data lookups, component workflows, or Xtensions used in the original workflow. To ensure workflow import is as smooth as possible, create any required connections, data lookups, component workflows, tables, and Xtensions in the destination tenant before importing your workflow.

  1. Review the connections, data lookups, Xtensions, tables, and component workflows used in your workflow in the source tenant, and identify what you need to create in the destination tenant.

  2. Export any required Xtensions from the source tenant, and use the exported OpenAPI Specifications to add each Xtension to the destination tenant. Ensure the contractID defined in the OpenAPI Specification is not changed. These should have the same name and configuration as they are in the source tenant.

    See the Copy an Xtension to another tenant topic in the Xtensions help documentation.

  3. Create the required connections, data lookups and component workflows in the destination tenant.

    • In order for the imported workflows to work as expected, the connections, data lookups, Xtensions and component workflows must have the identical names, security settings, and permission levels as the ones in the source tenant.

    For information, see the Add a connection, Create a data lookup, and Nintex - Component workflow help topics.

  4. Create the required tables in the destination tenant. Table based actions in imported workflows will be automatically mapped to the matching table names.

  5. Export the workflow from your source destination. For more information, see Export a workflow .

  6. Import the workflow in the destination tenant. For more information, see Import a workflow.

  7. Open the Configure workflow panel in the imported workflow to update the configuration of the workflow. For more information, see Configure workflow.

    Important:  The Configure workflow panel will display a warning icon next to connections, variables, tables, and data sources that need to be configured

When you import workflows into a tenant, the connections, data lookups, Xtensions, tables, and component workflows in the imported workflow are checked against what's already in the tenant, matching them by ID or name.

  • The first search is based on the ID and if there is already a connection, data lookup, and component workflow with the same ID in the destination tenant, the imported workflow will use them.

  • If there is no matching ID, but there is an existing connection, data lookup, or component workflow with the same name in the destination tenant, the imported workflow will use them.

  • If there is no matching ID or name, the connections, data lookups, and component workflows will not be configured, and they must be reconfigured manually.

  • Table-based actions in imported workflows will be automatically mapped to the matching table names.