SharePoint Online
Nintex Automation integrates with SharePoint Online using an app. To enable integration between the product and SharePoint, you must install the app in SharePoint and then activate the SharePoint feature in Management which registers an instance of it. You then need to activate your SharePoint sites using this Service Instance.

You can add the app from the SharePoint store, or download the app, and then upload and enable it in SharePoint Online.
Follow these steps to add the app from the SharePoint store:
- Go to the More features page in the SharePoint admin center and select Open under Apps.
- On the Manage apps page, select SharePoint Store in the left pane.
- Search for Nintex Automation.
Select the Nintex Automation App and select Add.
Do not select the Nintex Automation Cloud app.
- Select to add the app to all sites.
Or use the following steps to download the app, and then upload and enable it in SharePoint Online:
- Download the app file from Nintex Automation for SharePoint app.
- In the SharePoint admin center, select More features and click the Open button in the Apps section.
- In Manage apps, click Upload.
- Navigate to your Nintex Automation installation folder and into the SharePoint installer sub folder.
- Select the nintex-automation.sppkg file and click Open.
- On the Enable app screen select Enable this app and add it to all sites, then click Enable app.
- Once the app is enabled click Close.
- The Nintex Automation for SharePoint app is now installed on your SharePoint Online environment.

- Make sure you have your App Catalog SiteURL from SharePoint Online.
- Navigate to the Nintex Automation Management site.
- Select Features or click on Manage Features.
- Select SharePoint Site Collection.
- Click the New Instance button at the top left of the Features list.
- In the Configure Server step, App Catalog Site URL text box, paste your App Catalog Site URL, for example:
- Click Configure.
- The Permission requested message displays, click Accept.
- The Trust integration runs.
- Once completed and you see the Authorization Successful message, return to the App Feature Instance and click Continue.
- The OAuth Resource, Claims, Administrative OAuth Token, SharePoint Service Broker, and Application configuration shows.
- Once everything has completed successfully, click Close.
- In the Activate Site Collection step, add your Site URL to the Site Collection URL text box, for example,
- Click Activate.
- You must log in to your SharePoint site collection to create the authorization token. Once you see the Authorization Successful message, click OK.
- The Active Site screen shows the sites activated on SharePoint Online.
- Click Close.
- You can activate more site collections as needed.
- Once the configuration is complete, close the Add Feature Instance screen.

Use the Synchronize Groups option to manually update all Nintex Automation for SharePoint Online groups. This is necessary when changes to group membership in SharePoint must reflect immediately.
- Navigate to Management Site.
- Select Features.
- Select SharePoint Site Collection.
- In the Feature Instance section, select on the site collection that you want to uninstall.
- Click Edit.
- Select the Synchronize Groups option on the Edit Feature instance screen.
- Select to Synchronize All or Synchronize Groups depending on your organization's needs.

Use the Uninstall Site Collection option to remove all Nintex Automation for SharePoint Online artifacts from your site collection. This is useful when moving SharePoint environments or decommissioning old site collections.
- Navigate to Management Site.
- Select Features.
- Select SharePoint Site Collection.
- In the Feature Instance section, select on the site collection that you want to uninstall.
- Click Edit.
- Select the Uninstall Site Collection option on the Edit Feature instance screen.
- During the uninstall, you can also select to Uninstall All Nintex Automation for SharePoint artifacts from all your SharePoint Online site collections.
- Once the uninstall completes successfully, click Close. If the uninstall is not successful, click Retry to attempt the uninstall again.