Viewing workflow history

This topic provides instructions for viewing the history and progress of workflow instances run on an item in a list or library.

The Workflow Progress page indicates the stage that the selected item has reached in the workflow instance, including states of individual actions.

To view the item's workflow history

  1. (missing or bad snippet)

    The Workflow history page appears, listing running and completed instances of workflows for the selected item under the sections Running Workflows, Completed Workflows, and Cancelled & Errored Workflows. Each row identifies the instance's associated workflow, initiator, and start and end times. Use the started date to identify the instance of interest.

  2. For progress information about an instance, click the workflow name.

    The Workflow Progress page appears with a visual representation of the selected workflow.

    The Workflow Information summary on the upper left indicates one of the following workflow states: Running, Completed, Cancelled, or Errored.

    Within the visual representation of the workflow, each workflow action is color-coded to indicate its state.

    Color code for action State
    Yellow Current or waiting for some sort of action.


    Request approval, Request review: Approved.

    Red Request approval, Request review: Rejected.


    Not yet occurred, or was unnecessary.

    In addition, you can hover on each action to view state details. For the Request approval and Request review actions, states include Approved, Rejected, Pending, Cancelled, Not required, and (for Request review) Continue.

  3. For statistics information, click the ellipsis (...) on the workflow and click Statistics. Analyze the statistics, such as Total Runs and In Progress.

Related information

Viewing workflow status