Testing a Nintex RPA Solution

Before deploying an RPA solution, it is important to invest time in testing the performance.

By testing outside of the production environment, you can:

  • Ensure that all business requirements are met.

  • Verify the reliability, performance, and limitations of the wizards in applications.

  • Reveal business and technical exceptions.

  • Prevent unexpected behaviors and future maintenance work.

Planning and testing for an unhappy path, or edge cases, will provide stability and resilience in the happy path.

Testing Frameworks

How to set up the right test environment

The test environment should be identical to the production environment to demonstrate the real conditions of your deployment.

Attended Automation testing vs. Unattended Automation testing

  • Unattended automation: Robots are installed on a virtual machine, and they run wizards with no human intervention.
    • Duplicate the robot environment and configurations.
  • Attended automation (Nintex Assistant): Robots are installed on an end-user desktop and they run wizards on the user’s applications.

    • Front-end testing is recommended.

      For example, select and engage with a group of users early in the development process to take their design needs into account.

    • Users' initial feedback is important.

      For example, if you have call centers in different locations, bring in a diverse group for A/B testing. This will enable you to incorporate cultural and behavioral differences (how users execute their processes) in your solution.

    • Extensive UAT.

      • With a gradual rollout from smaller testing teams to larger ones.

      • Test accessibility and inclusivity of the design.

        Ensure that the solution can work with all target groups, including those with disabilities and impairments.

      • In addition to user feedback, you can use logs from Nintex Studio to measure impact and stability.

    • Continuous optimization.

      • Open a platform for continuous user feedback.

Use Nintex Studio to support your testing framework

Nintex Studio has practical tests embedded as features to help support your testing framework.

By using the Nintex Studio you can:

Embedded Tests Details
Check the output in a business application If the output is an Excel file, you can compare the testing output with the expected output and see if there are discrepancies.
Implement checkpoints with message boxes and View variable list to better evaluate complex logic You can use the View variable list during component testing and system integration testing for more complex wizards to ensure the correct output.
Use the Debug mode to do component testing

You can debug with Do it or Do it from this step, to check the steps of the wizard.

Open the wizard from the Wizard Catalog in the Nintex Studio and select Debug:

Evaluate log files (Debug Log vs. Base Wizard Log)

You can add the Base Wizard Template which includes built-in functionality for logging. The Base Wizard Template log files can be found in C:\Kryon Logs\Kryon\TestUser.

Debug log files can be found inside the wizard editor by selecting Wizard, from the menu, and View debug trace.

Examine successful vs. unsuccessful run

It is critical to define in the solution design what will determine a successful versus an unsuccessful run. It can be successful from a technical perspective, such as a wizard performing as expected, but fail from a business perspective, leading to an unsuccessful outcome.

For more information about the importance of testing outside of the production environment, review the following training material from Nintex Academy: Creating an automation testing plan.