Core Action Properties
From the Properties tab of the Properties Pane, you can customize the following properties (based on core action type, as indicated):
The following core action types have no customizable properties... in fact, they have no Properties tab in the Properties Pane at all (but you will find other tab(s) there):
Customizable properties: Click
& Hover ![](../../Resources/Images/RPA-22.03-en (1)/Studio_169.png)
Do-it mouse movement
Studio enables you to determine how to move the mouse cursor to its click position on the screen. The mouse movement options are:
Shortest: The robot automatically executes the shortest path from the user's current cursor position to the click position. This is the default setting.
Vertical > Horizontal: The robot moves the cursor in a straight line up/down from the current cursor position and then right/ left to the click position
Horizontal > Vertical: The robot moves the cursor in a straight line right/left from the current cursor position and then up/down to the click position
This option can be useful when the mouse needs to hover over options in order to display menus.
Not applicable to sensors.
Guide-me bubble text
When a wizard is played in Guide me mode, a default Guide-me bubble appears for each step, anchored to the orange highlight box that surrounds the relevant click position on the user’s application. By default, the Guide-me bubble text is Click inside the box
. This text can be customized for each step as follows:
From the selected step's core action Properties tab, click the Guide-me bubble text dropdown list
Select Custom...
In the field that appears, enter the desired text
The custom text appears for this step when the wizard is played in Guide me mode.
Not applicable to sensors.
Customizable properties: Read from screen ![](../../Resources/Images/RPA-22.03-en (1)/Studio_171.png)
For detailed information about the customizable properties of the Read from screen core action, see the chapter Read from Screen.
Customizable properties: Keyboard ![](../../Resources/Images/RPA-22.03-en (1)/Studio_172.png)
Typing speed
Determines the speed at which the keystrokes will be entered at runtime: automatic (default) or at the speed at which they were entered during recording.
Keyboard language
Determines whether the wizard will accept input in any language or only the language in which the wizard was recorded (default).
The Keyboard action's Properties tab includes a field that displays the actual sequence of keys typed during recording. This key sequence is not editable. (A step of this type is often replaced during wizard runtime by the value of a variable set using Advanced Commands).
Customizable properties: Wait ![](../../Resources/Images/RPA-22.03-en (1)/Studio_173.png)
The Wait for window close and Wait for object disappearance core actions include a property that allows you set the maximum time the wizard will wait before it proceeds to the next action in the flow.
By default, the Max wait checkbox is set to 5 seconds
If the Max wait checkbox is not ticked and the wizard waits indefinitely
Not applicable to the Wait for block removal core action.