Add Automation Task to Queue

Initiate and add a task to the robot task queue.

This command can be used in both sensors and wizards and run by either attended or unattended robots (i.e., both humans and robots can add tasks to the robot queue).

The sensor/wizard in which this command is executed continues after the task has been added to the queue. It does NOT wait for a robot to complete the assigned task.

  1. Enter a task name and set queue priority.

  2. Enter additional information in 3 tabs:

    1. Wizard:

      Select the wizard to assign to a robot (the "task wizard"):

      • From the Wizard Catalog

      • By the wizard ID automatically assigned to the task wizard; or

      • By the custom ID created for the task wizard

    2. Parameters:

      (Optional) Enter parameters (i.e., the initial values of some or all of the task wizard's variables)

    3. Queue:

      • Choose to which queue the task should be assigned to in Console Plus.

  3. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the task ID.

    • The task ID is created immediately and will be available after this Advanced Command is executed (i.e., it dos not require that the task be started or completed by a robot). The task ID can then be used to track the task's status with the Get Automation Task Status command.

  4. Indicate if you'd like the task to be added to the (human) end user's robot task queue viewer.

    • Requires that this Advanced Command be initiated from the user's desktop (via Nintex  Robot)

    • Allows the user to track task status, receive a notification when the task is complete, and continue the hybrid process if required

  5. (Optional) Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the task's output.

    • This variable cannot be used in messages that display while the current sensor/wizard is running (or other Advanced Commands in the current wizard), but it can be used in messages that display once the task has completed (see step 6 below).

  6. Select further actions to execute once the task has completed (if necessary):

    • No further action

    • Display a custom message

    • Run the current wizard from a specific step; or

    • Run another wizard

  7. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.