Create a Folder
Create a new folder and store its path in a new or existing variable.
When adding a 'Create a folder' command, you have the option to select either the Local File System or SharePoint Online as the file storage location.

Select Local File System as your file storage location.
Enter the name of the variable into which to place the path of the new folder.
Indicate if the folder should be created:
In a parent folder other than the Windows Temp folder
Using a custom folder name
If you elect not to specify these options, the new folder will be created by default in the Windows Temp folder, with a unique name.
Expand the Error handling option to provide instructions to the wizard on how to manage encountered errors. For more information on error handling, see Error handling.
Don't forget to clean house!
Despite its name, Windows does not automatically delete folders and files from the Windows Temp folder. From a safety perspective, this is great. But it does mean that your Windows Temp folder could become quite huge (and something of a resource hog) unless you manually clean it out from time to time.

You can create a folder in your SharePoint Online.
See here for details, SharePoint Online.