Multi-Value If Else

Compare the value of a variable with one or more other values to determine whether each condition is TRUE (i.e., the values are equal) or FALSE (i.e., the values are unequal). Based on the outcome, direct the logical flow of the wizard along two or more different paths, for example:

  • If Condition #1 is TRUE → follow Path A

  • If Condition #2 is TRUE → follow Path B

  • If Condition #3 is TRUE → follow Path C

Step 1: Define the conditions

The first step in using the multi-value IF ELSE command is to define the conditions (i.e., set up comparisons).

  1. Enter the name of the variable whose value you wish to compare with other values.

  2. For each condition, enter the value with which you wish to compare the variable's value (can be entered manually or copied from values stored in variables).

  3. Add/remove conditions as required.

Step 1: Define the actions

Upon adding the If Else command to your wizard, you will notice that it becomes an empty "container" within the Editor Pane, waiting for you to fill it with instructions:

  1. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take if Condition #1 is TRUE.

    • You can do this by dragging the required Advanced Command(s) directly into the container.

  2. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take if Condition #2 is TRUE.

  3. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take if Condition #3 is TRUE.

  4. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take if all of the specified conditions are FALSE.