Read From Text File
Read the contents of a text file into a new or exiting variable.
When adding a 'Read from text file' command, you have the option to select either the Local File System or SharePoint Online as the file storage location.

Select Local File System as your file storage location.
Select the text file from which to read the contents.
Enter the name of the variable into which to place the text.
Choose whether to read the full contents of the file into the variable or a single line at a time.
For 'Read single line', enter the name of the variable where the value 'TRUE' should be stored when the end of the file is reached.
You can then use this variable with the Loop command so that the wizard exits the loop when reaching the end of the file.
Select to specify a non-standard or customized character encoding scheme for encoding the text data.
Expand the Error handling option to provide instructions to the wizard on how to manage encountered errors. For more information on error handling, see Error handling.

You can read from a text file stored in your SharePoint Online.
See here for details, SharePoint Online.