Monitor File Changes
Monitor one or more files in a designated folder for specific events, with the option to include sub-folders:
Monitoring more than one file requires that the files are named according to a pattern that can be represented using asterisks (
) as wildcards. -
The wizard will monitor the specified files until:
One of the defined events occurs; or
The command reaches the timeout limit you have specified
Events to be monitored can include one or more of the following:
File created or renamed (to match the specified pattern)
File modified
File deleted
When adding a 'Monitor file changes' command, you have the option to select either the Local File System or SharePoint Online as the file storage location.

Select Local File System as your file storage location.
Enter the full path of the top-level folder in which files should be monitored.
Indicate whether or not to also monitor files in sub-folders.
To monitor a single file: Enter the name of the file to monitor.
The pattern
will monitorfile.txt
, etc. -
The pattern
will monitorfile.txt
, etc. -
Select one or multiple events to monitor.
Enter the name of the variable where you would like to store the path of the new, renamed, or deleted file.
Indicate if the wizard should stop monitoring (i.e., timeout) after a certain number of minutes.
Expand the Error handling option to provide instructions to the wizard on how to manage encountered errors. For more information on error handling, see Error handling.
To monitor multiple files: Enter a naming pattern for the files to monitor, using asterisks (*) as wildcards to represent one or more characters in the file name.
For example:

You can monitor file changes in your SharePoint Online.
See here for details, SharePoint Online.