Delete a File

Delete a single existing file.

If you want to delete more than one file at a time, take a look at the Delete File(s) command.

  1. Enter the full file path and file name of the file to delete.

  2. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.

Make sure you really want to delete it!

The delete a file command does not put the deleted file into the Recycle Bin... it deletes it permanently.

Using the "Delete file", "Delete files", and "Delete folder" commands by at end of a running wizard.

When using the "delete file(s)/folder" commands at the end of a running wizard, the Windows OS might prevent the delete-action due to the files being in-use/open.

To delete the file/folder after the wizard ends, you have two (2) options:

Option 1: Manually delete the desired file/folder.

Option 2: End the wizard and start a new wizard with the "delete" command:

  1. End the wizard to let it automatically close all the open and in-use processes/files/folders.

  2. Create a new continuing wizard

  3. Add the relevant "Delete" command at the beginning of the continuing wizard and configure it to delete the desired file(s)/folder.

  4. End the wizard or use it to execute additional steps.