Fallback Usage & Examples

The following sections describe the available fallbacks and usage examples:

Raise error

When the Raise error fallback command is triggered for a core action, the Paused message is raised in the wizard bar, describing why the wizard was paused.


You recorded a wizard for creating a new mail message and typing its content. If, while playing the wizard, the user changes the subject of the message before the wizard reaches this step in the flow, the message's window caption is changed. In this scenario, the robot looks for a window called RPA - Message (HTML) but cannot find it because the caption was changed by the user. If the Raise error message fallback was applied to this step, it is activated and a Paused message appears on the user's screen:

This error can be avoided by setting the window caption to Contains instead of Equals. Read more about editing window properties.

End step

When the End step fallback is applied to a step, the step is ended and then continues with the command specified in its When step ends event. It is the default action when the wizard successfully performs a step.

End step is useful as a fallback when, after a bubble, the user closes the window that the wizard is about to close. In such cases, this fallback enables the wizard to end the step instead of trying to detect the closed window.


You recorded a wizard for specifying a file name and location. In this scenario, users might click OK to confirm the action instead of waiting for the wizard to do so. This closes the window in which the wizard is supposed to click OK for the user. If the End step fallback was applied to this step, it is activated and the wizard ends the step instead of trying to detect the OK button.

Go to step

When the Go to step fallback is applied to a step, the wizard goes to the specified step in the flow. This is useful for creating wizards that offer two or more alternative paths.


You recorded a wizard that moves an email message to another folder. If there is an open message on the screen, the wizard continues by moving this message. If there is no open message and the Go to step fallback was applied, it is activated and the wizard goes to the designated step (in this case, maybe a step in which the user is prompted to select a message to move).

Keyboard shortcut

When the Keyboard shortcut fallback is applied to a step, the wizard types a keyboard shortcut instead of clicking to perform the core action. This is useful when the action could be performed with either a shortcut key or a mouse click. In this case, if the wizard cannot visually detect the object on the user’s screen, it uses the specified keyboard shortcut as a fallback.


You recorded a wizard for inserting an equation into an email message in a maximized screen. If the screen is not maximized, the Equation button's appearance changes and the wizard cannot detect it.

If the Keyboard shortcut fallback was applied to this step, it is activated and the wizard types the specified shortcut keys (e.g., ALT+N+E) to click the Equation button.

End wizard successfully

When the End wizard successfully fallback is applied to a step, the robot exits the wizard. This is useful when you want to end the wizard early in the flow.

In an unattended automation context, the wizard will be reported as ended successfully in Console Plus dashboard.

If the wizard containing the step is an embedded wizard (that is, a wizard inserted as a building block into the flow of the current wizard), the flow continues with the containing wizard’s success scenario as defined by the RPA developer.


You recorded a wizard for saving messages, in which the final step is the Microsoft Outlook message that appears if the user tries to save over an existing message. If the user chooses not to replace the existing message and the End wizard successfully fallback was applied to this step, it is activated and the wizard is ended at this point in the flow because there are no more actions to take.

End wizard unsuccessfully

When the End wizard unsuccessfully fallback is applied to a step, the robot exits the wizard. This is useful when you want to end the wizard early in the flow.

In an unattended automation context, the wizard will be reported as ended unsuccessfully in theConsole Plus dashboard.

If the wizard is an embedded wizard (that is, a wizard inserted as a building block into the flow of the current wizard), the flow continues with the containing wizard’s failure scenario as defined by the RPA developer.