Service Credentials

If you previously selected Single sign on (Kerberos), enter the relevant credentials of the user who will run the RPA on the server.

The user must:

  • have local administrative rights on the server

    Note: If you're logged-in with a different user, the installer will add a service-user to the user local Administrators group if permitted by the organization’s policy. If the organization's policy doesn’t permit this action, you need to add the service-user manually.

  • be a domain account

  • have access to database (if you are using SQL Windows Authentication connection to database schema)

Note: You cannot use the default value .\LocalSystem for SSO (Kerberos).

If you previously selected Username & Password authentication, select one of the following options:

  • Keep the default entry (.\LocalSystem with no password necessary); or

  • Enter the service user credentials:

    • Domain user format = domain\user or user@domain

    • Local user format = .\user

      Note: The user must have local administrative rights on the server.

If you are running the installation using a Local Admin user and you insert a user that isn’t a member of the local admin group, the installation will add it automatically to the group.

For passwords, these special characters aren't supported:

Special Character Description Special Character Description
' Apostrophe \t Tab
" Double quotation mark \n Line feed
& Ampersand \v Vertical tab
Space \r Caret return
; Semi-colon \ Backslash
