Change History

The Change History tab contains a table listing all changes made to the selected wizard’s content and properties since it was created:

The table lists any of the following types of changes:

  • Wizard creation: Creation of a new wizard by the user

  • Wizard content: Any changes to the wizard content such as steps and bubbles, or if the wizard was imported from a local drive to the database

  • Wizard properties: Any changes to wizard properties such as the name, description, and keywords

  • Wizard migration: When a new version of Studio is released, all wizards are migrated to the new version. This migration is logged in a wizard’s Change History as a change performed by the Nintex Migration Tool.

  • Wizard category: Change performed when the wizard is moved from one category to another in the catalog

For each change, the following parameters are listed:

  • Time: The date and time that the change was performed

  • User: The name of the user who performed the change

  • Title: The type of change

  • Description: The content of the change

  • Studio version: The version of Studio in which the change was performed

This non-editable table is invisible to end users in Nintex Robot.