Bubbles: Overview

Bubbles are textual descriptions or instructions that appear on the user's screen when running a wizard. Bubbles are used to provide information to the user or to prompt the user to perform an action.

Bubbles can have one or more of the following functions:

  • Instructing users to perform actions that the robot will not perform for them, such as typing user-specific information or deleting data

  • Informing users about what is happening in a step, and providing important information or tips

  • Providing decision points to alternative scenarios in a wizard flow

  • Granting control to the user over the mouse and keyboard

The properties of each bubble include configurable buttons, display settings, narration, and the bubble's position on the screen. Bubble properties are managed from the bubble’s Properties Pane.

Bubbles can be deleted, copied, or moved to other steps in a wizard or to other wizards in Studio. You can add multiple bubbles to a step and choose where to position them in the screen.