Bubbles: General Properties

The following general bubble properties can be customized from the Properties tab of the Properties Pane:


Enter an optional Name to serve as a reference for the RPA developer inStudio. The Name is not visible to end users in Nintex Robot.


Select the background color of the bubble from the dropdown list.

Determines the color of the bubble as it appears in Studio and in Nintex Robot at wizard runtime.

Anchored bubble options

This bubble is anchored

Tick/clear the This bubble is anchored checkbox to determine whether the bubble is an anchored bubble.

  • For anchored bubbles, continue by setting the anchor object position.

The initial state of this checkbox is determined by the bubble type selected when the bubble was added.
Use transparent anchor

Tick/clear the Use transparent anchor checkbox to determine whether an anchored bubble's callout anchor is invisible to the end user at wizard runtime.

  • This checkbox is visible only for anchored bubbles.

  • When this checkbox is selected, the bubble’s anchor remains visible in the Wizard Editor's Display Pane but is invisible when the wizard is run.

Why use a transparent anchor?

If you want a bubble to look like a non-anchored bubble but behave like an anchored bubble (e.g., be hidden when an object on the screen changes or is covered by a window), you can use an anchored bubble with a transparent anchor. The bubble will have the same Show/Hide properties as any anchored bubble, but will appear as non-anchored to the user.

Bubble Narration

Narrate text on runtime

Tick this option to make the bubble text automatically read aloud when the bubble appears at wizard runtime.

  • To exclude a portion of bubble text from being narrated, edit the bubble text by adding angle brackets (<>) around the text to exclude

To test the bubble's narration, click the play link to the right of the checkbox.

Shift focus to bubble

Tick this option to make sure that the only narrated text when using Windows Narrator is the text in the bubble. Ticking this option makes Windows Narrator avoid narrating text outside of the bubble, such as text in the background application.

Making sure Narration is properly enabled in Studio

To ensure Bubble narration is properly enabled and to support Windows Narrator, make sure the "Play voice narration for bubbles" option is enabled.

Go to Tools > Options > Playback tab > Sound: