Nintex Connector Extensions

Google Chrome

To use the latest features and ensure maximum security, update to the latest version of Google Chrome.

Install the Nintex Connector Chrome extension to use Google Chrome when developing wizards:

Supported Advanced Commands:

    • The Nintex Connector should be installed on unattended and attended robots to enable them to run wizards containing the supported Advanced Commands in Chrome.

    • The Nintex Connector also enables window detection with HTML objects when using Chrome. For more information about advanced window detection techniques, see Window detection.

    • The Nintex Connector extension will be automatically installed when you install or upgrade your Nintex Robot and Studio clients. Be sure to enable it when prompted in Chrome:

An error message on the Nintex Connector might appear, particularly when wizards aren't running.

Such errors could contain the messages: "Connection closed before receiving a handshake response" or " ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED". You can ignore these messages.