Backup Current Version & Database

Back up current version installation

  1. Copy the current Nintex server install folder to a different location (either locally on a different machine)

    • By default, the server files are installed to the folder:

      • Up to v19.1.3: C:\Program Files\Kryon Application Server

      • For 19.3 and above: C:\Kryon

    You can save storage space by compressing the backup.

  2. For 19.3 and above, backup KEYTAB file (for Kerberos authentication only) from C:\ProgramData.

  3. For 19.3 and above, backup security certificate files (SSL/TLS) from C:\ProgramData.

Back up Nintex database

  1. From SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the database server.

  2. In the Object Explorer, right-click the Nintex database and select Tasks > Back Up.

  3. Give the Backup set a name and set the Destination to which the backup will be saved.

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