RabbitMQ service

If RabbitMQ (open-source message broker) isn't already installed on your server, the RPA Server Installation prompts you to install it and to create credentials for it.

If it is already installed, this step doesn't appear.

  1. Insert the Admin credentials (make sure the password doesn't contain an "@" sign, hashtag "#", or question mark "?").

  2. The RabbitMQ SSL configuration is separate from the system's configuration. By default, RabbitMQ will not work with SSL during the installation unless Work with SSL is selected here.

  3. Check the Join cluster box to expand the options.

    When configuring the RPA server with an external load balancer, High Availability/Single Machine, enable cluster mode.

  4. In the expanded fields, you'll see the same cluster server FQDNs as in the previous step.

  5. Make sure the values of the field are correct and click Next.

  6. Complete the server installation. Then, perform the same installation with the same settings and Cluster server FQDNs and peers on the secondary server.

    When inserting the FQDNs in the secondary server installation, make sure you insert them in the same order as in the main server installation (rpaserver1.doman,rpaserver2.domain.com) - DO NOT switch the places of the FQDNs.