Connect to Database

Option 1: Install local SQL Server

Select this checkbox if you want the installation package to automatically install a local instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express.

Not recommended for production environments.

When selected, you'll be required to enter the password you want to use for the sa (superadmin) user (this value defaults to Kryon2022!).

This option will not be visible if a local SQL instance is already installed.

Option 2: Configure the connection to your database server

Database server/port: You can identify the database instance on which the application database was created either by:

  • entering the server name and instance name (syntax: server_name\instance_name); or

  • by selecting the network port used for communication with the database server

Encrypt DB: In case your database is secured, check this box to allow the connection.

Alternatively, click Discover servers to identify all database instances on the network and to select the correct instance from the list.

Database schema: Enter the name you want to give the Nintex application database if not already created. Otherwise, type the name of the existing database schema.

Username & Password:

  • If you selected SQL authentication when you created a login to the SQL server, enter the login name and password created for the Nintex database server.

  • If you selected Windows authentication when you created a login to the SQL server, leave these fields empty.

The current in use "Windows authentication" user must have access to database. See Minimum and recommended permissions to access database.

