Migrating from Console/ConsoleX to Console Plus

Upgrading from RPA version before 20.9

If your current RPA version is prior to v20.9, we highly recommend upgrading to v20.9 first before upgrading to v21.4. Only after a successful upgrade to v20.9 you can safely upgrade to v21.4.

For assistance, contact Support.

From Console, to ConsoleX, to Console Plus

If you are upgrading from Console/ConsoleX to Console Plus, your database must be prepared using the data migration scripts provided by Nintex support.


Console (up to v19.x)

ConsoleX (from v20.3 to 20.9)

Console Plus (v21.4 onwards)

New Task

Tasks assigned directly to robots

Tasks added to the default queue automatically

Tasks assigned to one of multiple Queues

# of run time per task

X times / Y hours / Forever

Tasks can run only once

Tasks can run only once

New task - recurrence

Task recurrence available

Recurrence is supported only by triggers using CRON expression

Recurrence is supported only by triggers using CRON expression

Triggers - yearly recurrence


Available only via 'custom' CRON expression

Available only via 'custom' CRON expression

Task priority

Predefined static task priority of Normal or High

Predefined static task priority of Normal or High

New smart algorithm of dynamic selection of priorities:

  • Ranging from 10 (highest) to 1 (lowest)

  • Expandable to up to 255


RESTful API based on IIS server

RESTful API based on NGINX

GraphQL based on NGINX

Task Management


One Queue

Multiple Queues

Assigning tasks to Robots

Tasks are assigned directly to Robots

Tasks are assigned via Groups or directly to a Robot

  1. Tasks are assigned to a Queue

  2. Robots pull tasks directly from the Queue/s

Task execution

Tasks pushed to Robots based on priority (Normal vs. High)

Tasks pushed to Robots based on priority (Normal vs. High)

Robots query multiple queues to pull the relevant task

UI based monitoring

Manual UI refresh required to pull the latest data

Manual UI refresh required to pull the latest data

Real-Time Data Visualization

Before Migrating to Console Plus

  • Make sure the Robots' names are unique before running the script. Having more than one Robot with the same name might cause migration issues.

  • All Currently running tasks need to be complete

  • All tasks In queue need to be complete or removed

Tasks that are under "Currently running" or "In queue" will not migrate to Console Plus.

Actions items right after upgrading to v21.4

  • When Upgrading to Console Plus, you need to re-approve the Robots in the Console Plus:

  • Open Console Plus > Go to Robots > Pending Approval tab > approve the pending Robots.

  • If you were working with Nintex API in the previous RPA version, when upgrading to v21.4 you need to consider rewriting the following API sections

    • Authentication (rewrite to work with JWT tokens with Aerobase)

    • Request type (change from RESTful to GraphQL)

    • Task Assignment (change from Robot assignment to Queue assignment)

  • After migration, all triggers are set to inactive. You need to review your triggers and activate those you need activated.

Main changes after migrating to Console Plus

Migration Script

The migration script will run on and modify all wizards accordingly. Therefore, a prolonged run time is expected.


  • All triggers that were assigned to Group, Robot, or First Available will receive new assignment to Queues

  • For every migrated Robot, a Queue is created (Robot names must be unique)

  • For every migrated Group, a Queue is created (Group names must be unique)

  • For all the triggers with the 'First Available' Robot setting, a Queue under the name Default is created

Advanced Commands

The "Add Automation task to queue" Advanced Command priority field got modified to:

  • High priority (old value) > Highest (new value)

  • Low priority (old value) > 5 (new value)

Assignment rules are same as in Triggers.

Robot Status

The new Robot status are as following:

  • Idle - Robot is available, waiting for task assignment

  • Stopped - The Robot was manually stopped by a user

  • Running - Robot is currently running a task

  • Disconnected (previously known as 'ghost') - The Robot was disconnected from the server (communication issue, service issue, or any other issue):

    • The status of Disconnected means the connection to the robot has been lost and its attempting to re-establish the connection (through the WatchDog service)

    • User can check if the server is up and running

    • You might need to manually start the Robot

  • Paused - Robot was manually paused by a user