Working with Microsoft 365 Exchange Modern Authentication

In order to keep allowing Nintex Robots to receive and send emails through Microsoft Exchange when running automations, you need to configure the relevant components to support the new modern authentication method.

Microsoft's modern authentication method affects Nintex RPA in the following aspects:

  • CV (Credentials Vault) in Admin Tool - introducing new fields to support Microsoft modern authentication method (Application ID/Tenant ID and Client ID/Object ID)

  • Advanced Commands that use Microsoft Exchange ("Send email message" AC) - introducing new fields to support Microsoft modern authentication method (Application ID/Tenan tID and Client ID/Objec tID)

Retrieve the relevant ID values from Microsoft Azure portal

Go to the Email application of your organization in your Microsoft Azure portal and copy the Application and Object ID values to your clipboard.


Configure the ID values as Credentials Vault or insert manually into Email commands and triggers

You can insert the copied values into one of the following options:

  1. Credentials Vaults in Studio (recommended for scalability)

    This option allows you to create the credentials ones and re-use them a Library

    • See the topic "Creating Application / Outh Authentication Token" in Studio User Guide > Credentials Vault.

  2. Send/Receive Email Message advanced commands (manual insert per each command per each email domain/user).

    • See the Advanced Commands Send Email Message and Get Email Message in the Advanced Commands Reference Guide for complete usage instructions.

  3. Enable Email Triggers in Console Plus to work with Microsoft Exchange 365 modern authentication.