Running the RPA Server Installation Wizard

Run the RPA Server Installation setup file provided by Nintex and consider the upcoming configuration and installation options to match your organization's needs.

For the password:

The allowed special characters are: ‘ ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] / <> , . ; ? :| (space)

The disallowed special characters are: “ ' \

Optional for POC purposes only: Check the Express Installation checkbox for fast and automatic installation.

This is a quick automatic installation with default values (skips all the installation wizard configuration).

  • Installs a new database upon every new Express installation

  • Client exe files (Robot and Studio) must be in the same folder as the server installation file

  • Once the server installation completes, simply run the client exe setup files from the MSI Kit

  • Clients can be taken from C:\Kryon\RPA-Clients as MSI files, and executed when already configured

  • For each express installation execution new schema will be created (default name with TimeDate sufix)

  • RPA deployed as unattended single machine, username/password authentication method, services run as LocalSystem, default ports apply.

Continue to the next step: Target Folder