Configuring Connection to Server

Follow these steps to configure the client's connection to the RPA server:

  1. With a text editor, open the following configuration files –

    • For robot clients:

      C:\Program Files\Kryon Robot\Config\appSettings.config

    • For Studio:

      C:\Program Files\Kryon Studio\Config\appSettings.config

  2. Find the line that begins: <add key="MainServerNames", and change the value to the FQDN of the RPA server (full computer name).

    • The full line should now read: <add key="MainServerNames" value="<FQDN of the RPA Server>" />

  3. Ports: If the server was installed using the default ports, the following values do not need to be changed.

    If you opened non-default ports when you installed the server, change the values of the following parameters:

    • <add key="NetComPort" value="<server port number used for Net.TCP Port>" />

    • <add key="HttpComPort" value="<server port number used for HTTP Port>" />

    • <add key="HttpsComPort" value="<server port number used for NGINX Port>" /> (relevant to TSL/SSL only)