33. Approve a Claim; Query a Claim
In this step, you action the Approve Expense Claim tasks for the two expense claims submitted. If you selected yourself as the approver, you open the task notification email for the first claim, then approve it. You send the second claim back for rework. (If you selected another user as the approver, they must action the tasks for you from their email client. The steps in this section assume you selected yourself as the approver.)
- Access your email client. Using the worklist item link found in the first claim's email, open the Expense Claim form. Enter some comments into the Approver Comments box and select Approved for the action. Submit the form.
- From your email client, locate the task notification email for the first claim.
- Notice the email subject line contains the Title value for the claim. This is a result of the Context Browser reference you mapped to the subject line. Click the worklist item link in the message body to launch the Expense Claim form.
- The "display" form opens. Notice the Workflow view that K2 adds to the form. This view contains the instructions you configured for the task, along with a drop-down list of the actions you configured (Approved, Rejected, Query). This view also has a submit button for submitting your decision. Just below this view is the Task Comments view you added when creating the Expense Claim form. This view contains a text area box where you can enter any comments or questions. Notice too, the rest of the form is read-only, as you should not change any of the claim originator's entries.
Enter comments into the Task Comments text area and select Approved for the task action. Submit the form. Click OK for the confirmation dialog, then close the browser window.
If you are working on a K2-provided VM, you can access the email client from the browser. Launch a new tab, then click the OWA link found in the Favorites bar. Sign in as Administrator.
User name: Denallix\Administrator
Password: K2pass! - Next, take action on the second claim. Open the form from the worklist link. Enter some comments and select Query for the action decision. Submit the form.
- Using the same steps as above, open the Expense Claim form from the worklist item link found in the second expense claim email.
- Enter some comments into the Task Comments text area and select Query for the action decision. Submit the form. Click OK for the confirmation message, then close the browser window.
- Return to your site or subsite collection landing page. Click the Expense Claim Reports link from the Quick Launch menu. Notice now, you have only one claim displayed. The claim displayed is waiting for finance processing. The other claim has a Query status, so it is not waiting for approval or finance processing.
- Navigate to the Expense Claim list. Here, you see both claims, one with an Approved status and one with a Query status.
- Using the same steps as above, open the Expense Claim form from the worklist item link found in the second expense claim email.
In this step, you approved a claim and queried a claim. You opened the Expense Claim forms from the task notification email. You observed how the reporting dashboard updates, based on the status of the claims. In the next step, you resubmit the queried claim.