2. Create the SharePoint Site Requests List

In this step, you create the Site Requests list in SharePoint. This list is the application data source for storing site requests and decisions. In a later step, you configure the workflow to start when you add new items to this list.

  1. Create a new list in your site collection called Site Requests. Use the table below as a guide for adding columns.
    If you are working in a shared environment where there are multiple builds of the same application, consider adding your initials to the application names so that you can easily determine which projects are yours. For example, Site Requests KL).
    Column NameTypeNotes
    TitleSingle line of textThis column already exists and becomes the title of the new site.
    Site DescriptionSingle line of textYou can add a site description.
    Site StatusSingle line of textThe workflow updates this column as it progresses.
    Link to SiteHyperlinkThe workflow updates this column with the URL of the new site.
    Site Created OnDate and TimeThe workflow updates this column with the current date and time.
    1. From your site collection landing page, click New > List. Name the list
      Site Requests
      and click Create.
      If you are working in a shared environment where there are multiple builds of the same application, consider adding your initials to the application names so that you can easily determine which projects are yours. For example, Site Requests KL).
      Create New List
    2. Next, you add new columns for the site request application. From the Site Requests landing page, click Add column. Select Single line of text. Name the column
      Site Description
      and click Save.
      Create Column
    3. Add the remaining columns to the list using the following settings:
      Column NameType of DataNotes
      Site StatusSingle line of textThe workflow updates this column as it progresses.
      Link to SiteHyperlinkThe workflow updates this column with the URL of the new site.
      Site Created OnDate and timeYou do not need to include the time format. The workflow updates this column after it creates the new site.
      Your list columns should look like the image below.Site Requests List Columns

In this step, you created the Site Requests list in SharePoint. The list is the data source for your application and stores site requests and approval decisions. The workflow starts each time you add a new item to the list. The workflow saves the request content to the list, then updates several columns as it progresses. In the next step, you create the application elements for the list.

Next Step: 3. Create K2 Application Elements for the Site Requests List