Adding the App to multiple App Catalogs

You can add the K2 for SharePoint app to environments containing multiple web applications, each with their own app catalogs. Only one K2 app is permitted per app catalog. For multiple K2 servers of the same version, see Add the App to multiple K2 servers. For multiple K2 versions see the SharePoint On-premisesUpgrade steps section of K2 for SharePoint App Registration and Activation.

The following two scenarios are covered:

  • Scenario 1: Adding the app to a new SharePoint on-premises environment with multiple web applications and app catalogs for the first time.
  • Scenario 2: Adding the app to an existing SharePoint on-premises environment where additional web applications are added after K2 for SharePoint integration.
The scenarios discussed use two web applications, but the steps can be applied to environments with more than two web applications. Note that SharePoint Online is limited to one web application, so this does not apply to those environments.