
K2 will add a Default Domain based on the domain of the account used to install K2. If an organization has multiple Active Directory (AD) domains or a new domain is added to the organization’s AD infrastructure, those additional domains will not automatically be discovered by K2 or appear in K2 administration tools. Additional domains must be added when necessary. You can also edit and remove existing domain entries and change the domain K2 is part of. Any of these operations should preferably be performed using this Domains page in the K2 Management Site. See the considerations section for additional notes about multiple domains before you perform any demonstrative changes on the Domains screen.

Deleting or editing Domains might break services or applications that rely on those items. Do not delete or edit these items unless you understand the impact of doing so.


  • Whenever domains are added, removed or edited, the K2 service must be restarted. if you have multiple machines in the same farm, you need to restart the service on each server.
  • The default domain cannot be deleted
  • Parent-child domains are supported.
  • If using domains in different forests, a one- or two-way trust relationship must be established. The type of trust relationship required depends on your environment.
  • If a Service Instance requires domain configuration such as the Active Directory Service 2 and the Account Management Service, you must also update the domain on the Configure Service Instance page in K2 Management as shown below.