Environment Library

The Environment Library is often used when you have multiple K2 environments, for example Development, Test, QA and Production. These environments usually have different server names, URL’s settings and so on. The Environment Library is essentially a repository of environment-specific values or "placeholders" for each of your K2 environments. Environment-specific values, usually things like server names, connection strings, “from” email addresses and so on.

From time to time, you may need to manage the existing values or add new values in the Environment Library. By default K2 is installed with two Environments: Development and Production, but your environment may have additional or different environments registered.

To learn more about the K2 Environment Library, we recommend that you review the topic Understanding Environment Libraries and download the K2 Environment Library whitepaper, available at https://help.k2.com/en/environmentLibrary_Whitepaper.aspx

In the K2 Management site, the environment library allows for the configuration of available environments and the associated variables and security.

If more environments are needed to be added in addition to the standard environments, this can be achieved via the API.