How To: Build a Simple K2 Application

This How-To series guides you through building a simple K2 application from start to finish. After completing this series, you will have a fully-functioning application for submitting and approving leave requests.

This How-To series includes the following five lessons:

  • How To: Create A SmartBox SmartObject: The Leave Request SmartObject is the data source you use to store submitted leave requests.
  • How To: Create an Item View and a List View: The Leave Request Item Viewcontains labels and controls for entering leave details. The Leave Request List View displays saved leave requests.
  • How To: Create a Form: The Leave Request Form is your interface for submitting a leave request and contains both the item and the list views.
  • How To: Create a Workflow: The Leave Request Workflow contains an approval step for reviewing and approving the request. You add a Send Email step to each of the approval outcomes (Approved and Rejected) to let the leave requester know the approval decision.
  • How To: Test an Application: Test your new application by submitting a leave request.

Begin this How-To article with How To: Create A SmartBox SmartObject.