
Salesforce is a cloud based Customer Resource Management (CRM) platform that integrates with K2. You must use the Salesforce Feature activation to create the Salesforce service instance.

Service Authentication

OAuth is the only supported Authentication Mode for the Salesforce Service Type .

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)


Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
Rest API Version No Text /services/data/v41.0 This is a reserved K2 field that the Salesforce feature activation creates.
Instance URL No Text This is a reserved K2 field that the Salesforce feature activation creates.


You need K2 Administrator rights to activate the Saleforces feature. You then need rights to the service instance to create SmartObjects.

Service Objects

The Salesforce service instance does not create SmartObjects during feature activation. You need to create SmartObjects of the Salesforce resources needed in your environment. Use the Generate SmartObjects button in the Integration > Service Instances page.


You need to create the SmartObjects for the Salesforce objects needed in your K2 environment.

Generate your SmartObjects

Salesforce feature activation does not auto-generate SmartObjects due to the time it takes to go through all available objects and describe them. Follow these steps to generate your Salesforce SmartObjects:

  1. In K2 Management, go to Management -> Integration -> Service Instances
  2. Select your Salesforce service instance
  3. Click Generate SmartObjects to start the data objects selection
  4. Select the Salesforce objects needed in your K2 environment
  5. Click OK to continue
  6. Creating the SmartObjects may take a while depending on the number being generated
  7. Once the process is complete, you can use your Salesforce SmartObjects in views, forms, and workflows